Living my Life

Life is fun. Always think of it that way. If you don't, then you probably wouldn't want to live in this world anymore. Today, is not so special day. So I woke up this morning and look at my phone. My housemate sent me a message through Facebook. She asked me to join her and watch soccer at our college. So, I said yes. I woke up and took a bath and got ready. Then we headed out and looked for breakfast first. Because it's morning, and we're hungry. After that, we went to our college. I am not really a fan of football, but after meeting him, I kinda watched football too. And, it was not as boring as I thought it would be. It was fun! My advice, go out and see the world. Don't just limit yourself in your room with your computer. Go out and live a life. Seek out many new things. :) Here are few pictures taken during the event. That's all for my update. I am busy afterwards. Got so many thi...