
Showing posts from September, 2014


i got upset over petty things. i am ignorant that way. sometimes i want to be seen as a tough girl, so i put on a strong defence to everyone around me. but the fact is, at the back of my door, i cry about it. and the only person who knows about the real me is him.  there are days when i talk a lot. seriously, i can barely stop talking. only when i'm sleeping.  there are also days i want to be quiet. not because my vocal box is hurting. but i feel lazy to talk. to response to people. to answer some questions where people can seek elsewhere. usually, when i am like that, i am depressed and sad and i will definitely distract myself by watching movies. and now i am into drawing which i find it's very therapeutic.  i can't wait for all of these to end. 

my reaction to video ketua kelas garang

when people posted videos on Facebook, sometimes I watched them and I looked at the comment sections. mostly because I don't want to be deceived by some stupid videos which a ghost will come to your screen at the end of the videos and scared the hell out of you but most of the time I am very much entertained by the comments left by the viewers. the video above was about a student who is a classroom monitor, scolded other students to behave. in the video, she even pointed out the exemplary student who had a good behaviour. the rest of the video was about she was punishing other students because they misbehaved.  after i watched the video, i read the comment section and realized a funny comment left by one of the viewers which received 1,492 likes. she must be proud to throw such comment and received so many likes.  here is one example I would like to show.   somehow, I got interested with the comment. it's her opinion, I ...

happy birthday luch

today is 19 september 2014. today's Rushy's birthday.. this is a birthday shoutout to my dearest blogger friend, and also my classmate! to R, happy birthday to you! may Allah bless you always and forever. may you find what you're looking for in this life. and last but not least, HAPPY VIVA! lololololol