my reaction to video ketua kelas garang

when people posted videos on Facebook, sometimes I watched them and I looked at the comment sections. mostly because I don't want to be deceived by some stupid videos which a ghost will come to your screen at the end of the videos and scared the hell out of you but most of the time I am very much entertained by the comments left by the viewers.

the video above was about a student who is a classroom monitor, scolded other students to behave. in the video, she even pointed out the exemplary student who had a good behaviour. the rest of the video was about she was punishing other students because they misbehaved. 

after i watched the video, i read the comment section and realized a funny comment left by one of the viewers which received 1,492 likes. she must be proud to throw such comment and received so many likes. 

here is one example I would like to show. 

 somehow, I got interested with the comment. it's her opinion, I don't blame her. that's why there's a saying, 'don't judge others unless you walk a mile in his/her shoes' by Harper Lee. I don't remember the exact words used by Harper Lee but that's about it. you don't judge unless you have gone through the same experience with the person. she just doesn't have the experience to be a teacher and she's just one of the people who watch and quickly write comments without really thinking much what words she's about to type or perhaps her intention was to correct teacher's behaviours in the classroom.

let's take a look at the comment shall we. she claimed that one of the conditions to be a teacher is the ability to record and upload the videos in social medias. 

I just laughed when I read it. I told myself, man, this girl seriously doesn't know what she's talking about.

if you continue reading, please know that this is merely my opinion, you don't have to like it, you don't have to agree with me and that's totally fine. 

I am still learning to be a teacher, and from the subjects I learned in past years, one of them was about technology. we were required to record a video, create our own story and scripts, and edited it. the recording was done within one day. we made it even though it was a bit funny. yes, we need to learn how to record videos. what's the point of learning if you don't apply it, right? i don't mean to say a teacher must record her students' videos instead of teaching.

anyway, my point is, you don't have to be that sarcastic. if you know how to record a video, you can be a teacher. is it? well, that's easy. even a nine year old kid with geeky technology knowledge can be a teacher. 

please wake up from the negativity thoughts of yours. why can't you look at the positive side of the video? the kid seriously showed a talent on how to manage a classroom which i believe you don't even have. that's a truly gifted talent. i am amazed by the kid. take that classroom, and try to make all of the students be quiet like that. will you be able to do it? plus, that can be used as an evidence for a teacher and parent meeting. i think it is a great tool. if possible, i would like all teachers' activity in the classroom to be recorded. i think that would be great. it will not only be a good thing for our students, but it also will be good for the teachers as well. but it will cost a lot of money and our country simply doesn't have enough budget for that. 

yes, it is wrong for teachers to upload it on social medias. the teacher needs to ask permission from the students as well as the parents before uploading the video. clearly, the teacher also doesn't think thoroughly before uploading the video. the teacher should probably just keep the video to herself or give it to the kid's parent. an advice to myself, please think carefully before uploading pictures or videos of others on social medias. 

from the comment, if you hate teachers nowadays so much, please, you are welcome to homeschool your own children one day. 


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