I have been wanting to write this for quite some time. It has been on my mind a lot. Since I have few or quite a lot experiences I can say, in this matter. The topic for today is, Millennium Mom and The Challenges. I feel like writing an essay for an assignment. Being a mother nowadays is totally different from the past when women just need to sit down and care for the babies or just picking leaves and fruits. It was such an easy task. They were not expected to hunt animals or do dangerous stuff like climbing trees or mountains. When we look back at the job of those women, and we compare it to these days, it just differs like the sky and earth. The differences are vast. Mothers nowadays are expected to work. Because in order to have a comfort living, they need to back up their husband and go to work. Of course there's also this feminism thingy and I'm just gonna scratch that. For me, it is tough being a mother in these days because there are huge responsibilities and exp...
Showing posts from May, 2018