I have been wanting to write this for quite some time. It has been on my mind a lot. Since I have few or quite a lot experiences I can say, in this matter. The topic for today is, Millennium Mom and The Challenges.

I feel like writing an essay for an assignment.

Being a mother nowadays is totally different from the past when women just need to sit down and care for the babies or just picking leaves and fruits. It was such an easy task. They were not expected to hunt animals or do dangerous stuff like climbing trees or mountains. When we look back at the job of those women, and we compare it to these days, it just differs like the sky and earth. The differences are vast.

Mothers nowadays are expected to work. Because in order to have a comfort living, they need to back up their husband and go to work. Of course there's also this feminism thingy and I'm just gonna scratch that. For me, it is tough being a mother in these days because there are huge responsibilities and expectations. Women are expected to work and at the same time, care for the babies, care for the husbands, and manage the household. How crazy is that? With such small body given to the women, it is just difficult. Managing everything with so little power. And they still nee to do all the work even if they are sick.

Before marriage, I thought it will be easy. Because I only see the good part of parenting of my parents when I grew up. I dont see the struggle. I never knew the struggles. I never knew that in marriage you need to stop being you for quite some time. and you turn into someone else.

marriage does not only affect my status. it also affects my life and who i am. including physical and mental changes. i have seen in it my friends. marriage comes with responsibilities. I can never take a break from being a wife or a mother. my responsibilities are hanging by my back and follow me like my own shadow. they whisper in my ears and they bother me so much until i do it. that is just how it is.

i dont think my mom really prepares me for this marriage thingy. people keep telling me that how to be married when you dont know how to cook? well, for me, that's what restaurants are for. and cooking is just a skill needed to be learned. but i was too snobbish back then that i am now paying for it. hahaha. cooking is easy when it is made FOR ME. but when i cook for my husband, it is just different world. for all these while i thought i am a good cook. like i cook well. but when i got married, i feel the desperation when i am in the kitchen and when i am having my meal with my husband. i know that he is a very fussy person before i am married to him but i never knew he will be this fussy. when it comes to food, we were always fighting in the beginning of the marriage. i didnt cook the way he wanted. i dont like his food. that's just how it goes. and for a while i learned that, forget about eating your favourite meal, cook his. because in islam, we have to follow his orders. i know it sounds very unfair but that's just the way for a wife to learn pahala and goes to heaven. that's the cooking part.

this is our first ramadhan together and the routine has changed, like a lot. the responsibilities just got wayyy bigger. and sometimes when my dearest friend tells me this and that, i would say, good luck babe.

to those of you who are getting married, good luck yall. please remember, sabar itu kunci. 


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