breastfeeding journey
I've finally be able to type something. here is my story. my firstborn. muhammad adam naufal. i didnt thought nor i intended to fully breastfeed him. but when he was born i was super sad to leave him behind in the hospital and not be able to give him my milk. that was the day i thought i want to fully breastfeed this guy. boy it was hard. it was really hard as i was struggling with my milk production. i wasnt a cow so milk didnt come as i thought it would be. i didnt have much so yeah. nevertheless i made it until he refused bottle. then i got pregnant and i knew i had to train this guy with cow milk but since he was already over one year old so i gave him fresh milk. he didnt drink formula. so my second child i also didnt have the intention of fully breastfeed even until the day he was borne. i wasnt fully equipped. i only have my autumunz and it was a single pump. i wasnt really satisfied with it but i just used whatever i have. buying a new one was very expe...