3rd anniversary

I know right. It's only been 3 years of marriage. But I've known my husband for 8 years already. And there's so much to say and learn. An update; we had our second baby on April this year. It's a blessing.

I hate to say this but I actually do sometimes compared my life with my friends and it's easy to fall into the self panic attack when you dont get to have the tick in your life just like your friends do.

I'm a human and i do forget things. At times I forgot to be grateful. I wanted more things in life. And I wish there's a genie out there that can make my wishes come true in a snap.

I do believe that Allah is a great planner and to feel the upmost content in life is what everyone's searching for. At the end of the day, it's not checklist of things we want to tick or cross so much. Its the feeling of happiness and knowing what I have is enough is all that matters.

Of course there are plenty of things i would want in my life. In terms of materials. In terms of additional family members I do have enough. Alhamdulillah.

I hope what i dream for will become a reality for me. And to start that i must first be grateful for what i have now.

I want bigger phone. When i got one now
I dont feel like it's big enough. I want bigger..and guess what? The list will be endles.. but for now. This will do alright?

Ahh yes. I actually wanted to talk about marriage stuff.

The other day I went out shopping with my husband. I asked for his opinion on this pair of pants I wanted to buy and his comment hurt me the most.

It took me several minutes to realize that I am losing myself to him. I wanted to have him like me and make decisions for me. But guess what? It doesn't have to be every little details of my life that i need his opinion. And that's how i was losing myself. I made myself a promise, if it makes me happy and it's not a sin and i wont be called bukan isteri solehah, then I'd make my own decision. Not everything i must ask permission from my husband.


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