
kenapa mesti ada tasks neh... banyak lak tuh

social studies : BEND IT LIKE BECKHAM

1. state some examples of traditional practices within Jeswinder's family.

2. Jeswinder's mother still holds on to certain views regarding girls who have 'come of age'. what are some of them?

3. "what your parents dont know will not hurt them." How far do you agree with this statement?

4. Describes 3 incidents in the movie in which wrong conlusions were drawn because certain facts were not fully understood.

5. Give some examples of cultural changes that Jeswinder's family underwent.

6. Would you 'fight' to pursue your dreams against the wishes of your parents? Give reasons.

7. Describe Jeswinder's life in 15 years time?



Task 1 : How old were you when you first left home alone? Where did you go? How did you feel? How did you cope? What were the obstacles, problems etc that you had to overcome?

Task 2: Describe the characteristics of the Narrator, Mala and Mrs Croft.

Task 3 : What notions of home are expressed in "The Third and Final Continent?" What qualifies as home, and what does not? Does one's specific notion of home necessarily create their identity? Vice Versa? Or are the two subjects unrelated?

Task 4 : Describe the narrator's home in the three continents.

Task 5 : What is the relationship between Mala and her husband? How does this relationship develop? Identify the different stages of this relationship.

Task 6 : "There is an American flag on the moon!" What is the sifnificance of this event to the story and the life of the narrator? Compare the astronaut's landing on the moon to the narrator's landing in America. Who else in the story experieces such "landings"?

Task 7 : What is the significance of the "egg curry"? On how many occasion is egg curry mentioned? Why do you think the writer keep mentioning "egg curry"?

Task 8 : Identify the conflicts that you can find in this story.

Task 9 : Imagine you are Mrs. Croft. Write a letter to the narrator two weeks after he left you house.

Task 10: The Third and The Final Continent is very much a story about one's identity. Discuss how Jhumpa Lahiri exploits this.

Task 11 : Identify the things, or food items in the story that are used to signify the different cultures. What effect do you think JL achieve by doing this?

Task 12: Draw a plot line to show the narrator's life.

Task 13: Who do you admire the most in this story? Why?

Task 14 : Identity the literary devices used in the story by giving suitable evidence.

Task 15 : what is the point-of-view used in this story? What effect does JL achieve by using this?

Task 16 : This story talks about acceptance. What is being accepted and what is not and by who?

Task 17 : In your opinion, do you think it is easy being an immigrant? What are the hardships encountered by the narrator and Mala? Do you think they have succeeded? What makes you think so?

tgok2... banyak x tasks?

mmg gila r.. hahah..

tu x termasok kheja2 presentation gi..


amat menyedihkn bila kafe dlm mktab x bukak ari sabtu n ahad

malaih gegila nk p jalan keluaq

kemaren seharian aku bejalan

pg2 pegi kelas (kelas ganti utk cuti DEEPAVALI)

abes2 kelas ja gi giant

nk gi cucuk duit, beli file

diwajibkan ada file ntuk 4 sbject utma nie:





so, aku ngn kak zura, mira lau, naim kwok, kak nurul, anis n leen

p pkul 4, pkul 7 bwu balek..

aku beli heater bwu, sbb heater lma rosak.. ~~hampeh gila~~

beli file lagik

n jlan2 pusing tempat tu

da muak sgt

tggu la elaun msok lak

akn ku serbu ipoh parade

bila la elaun nk masok

xsabau rsanya


cuaca lak x menentu kt sni

Kejap ujan, kejap pnas

so far, alhamdulillah aku x der saket pape gi

stakat headache tu ada r

tu pon lega pas tidok

minggu depan balek

x sabaq gegila

anip n peah gi putrajaya

tp mak aku x bg p

bnyk gak duit yg dya bg pon

tp, da mak aku x bg p

nk wat cmner

tp x perla, ley r aku rilek2 kt umah dulu

pstu bwu struggle


ksian kt peah, bnyk esaimen

kesian kt aku, bnyak tasks (apa beza?)

kesian kt anip, xley balek penang

tp x pa, dya p mana pon still epi

stakat tu dulu la yerp

lama gila x hapdet blog

daaa~~ sumer


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