::a painful childhood memory::

hey yall, looking at the title of the entry i am sure u guys must have some thoughts in mind..

or perhaps, u guys have forgotten them all already.

i'm just gonna share one of my painful childhood memories. *haha, macam banyak je~*

there was once, a place called "home" lived by creatures called family... *gimik semata-mata

there was a young girl, a teenage girl, aged around 14-16, she was a very neat person. her family was not as rich as the other fortunate girls, she shared her room with her two younger sisters.

the sisters always messed up her room, and she was a person who could not live in a mess. one day, seeing the mess in her room, made by her sisters, she decided to clean them up. she threw away all the papers which in her eyes were unimportant.

the next morning, she woke up as usual and prepared herself to go to school. usually, she was sent to school by his father. never crossed her mind that day, was going to be a painful day for her that she would remember till now.

standing outside her house beside the most beloved car, she was waiting for her sisters to get ready and get in the car. but suddenly, her younger sister, cried. the younger sister claimed that she was unable to find her paper that needed to be sent to her teacher. and the due date was that day.

so she told her father about the missing paper. the father then asked the girl where she put her younger sister's paper. she said, she didn't know anything. she was already scared to death while her mind running wild searching for the paper. did she throw it while she was cleaning the room? well, her mind couldn't search for the paper and it was already getting late, to go to school.

the father already raised his voice to the girl because they were already late for school. but the girl had no idea or seen the paper mentioned. lastly, she said, she didn't know and probably she had thrown away the paper. the younger sister cried and the girl received a slap from his father.

it was a very shocking moment to the girl herself. then the father inserted his hand into his trouser's pocket, looking for coins. after he got what he was looking for, immediately he gave the coins to the girl.

then the girl walked away with tears and coins in her hand to the nearest bus stop. it was already late. she was so worried that she might missed the bus and she was so upset about the 'slap' incident.

the cheek was not painful but the heart ached so much. she was thinking, was it her fault when she cleaned up the mess made by her sisters? how was she supposed to know if the paper was so important? she cried along her way to the bus stop.

she stopped crying when she saw some of her friends were still there, waiting for the bus. it seemed that the bus was not there yet. luckily, she thought.

she sat in the dark corner of the bus stop and thinking about the previous incident.

she was truly depressed. how could her father did that to her? and suddenly, a car stopped,

it was her father's car. she rode the car without a word and silence along the way to school. when she reached the school gate, she got out of the car without kissing his father's hand, like she always did.

she was truly upset and could not even look at her father's face. she went to school without a single thought of studying. how depressed she was.

the girl could still feel the sadness faced in the incident even until now. but she had no tear to cry anymore because she's a grown up now.

but the younger sister is not a grown up yet. she's a child in the girl's eyes. sometimes the hatred came to her mind but after a second thought, she is a her sister. nothing can change the fact that she and the girl she used to hate is blood-related.

long after, she learned, she loves her family so much that she will do anything for her family.


footnote: the girl = me


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