it's life !
yeah, i did regret what was in the past but, it's life babe! we must go on no matter what. everyone has its own battle, and this is my battle. i have to win this battle. though i have said to a friend, that i'm going to move out from the maktab, but, it's not a certain decision, though i know, i can transfer to another maktab if i want to. haha. just don't ask me how. realizing how running away will give you another headache problems, i just decided to face the problems. there's gotta be some ways to solve it. i believe in me. there is no such things as no solution for a problem. there must be. at least one... if you just believe, and think hard, you will find the solutions somehow.
well baby, if you are down, you must never forget that you are never alone. if you feel like you don't have anyone to tell your problems to, you must remember that you still have Allah, HE will listen to every problems you have. every words count! believe me. and that will make you even more stronger.

what's is in the past, let it be. you gotta face it no matter how hard it is. find something which can inspires you, like, listening to the songs which can motivate you, i always do this! it will make you feel better. so, i am suggesting that you listen to the songs like, curtain falls by blue, we can by leann rimes, watch me shine by joanna pacitti, my favourite: InsyaAllah by Maher Zain, anything but ordinary by avril lavigne and so much more. this is only a suggestion. you can try if you want to, i am not forcing you guys to listen to any of the suggestions. thank you. :)
there's a friend. a friend who inspires me a lot. should i mention her name here? you can ask me if you are curious of who am i talking about. she is very positive. i like her ways though sometimes it irritates me. haha. no offense k. it's a positive thing, surely. i like her so much because being with her makes you want to do your work. you know, there are friends who influencing you to the bad habit and the other way round. but this girl, believe me, if you'd be with her, she will inspire you to be hardworking, positive and independent. in what way? ok, she's not telling you what to do, but by looking at her, you feel like doing the works. do you know what i mean? if lecturers gave us any tasks, she'll be the first at the library and she'll be the first to found the things related to the tasks. i love her that way. it's like, she has the focus. i have always wanted to do that. that is why i like her so much. she loves to do her own things rather than to "gossiping" around. she really loves to do her own thing especially when she thinks it's right. she has a strong belief in herself. i am so jealous of her because of that. for example, i always ask her to wear her spectacles because she can't see people when she walks. haha. but somehow, she never listens to me. she just walk around without wearing her spectacles with no worry. because to me, if i were not to wear my spectacles, erk, sometimes i wear my lens, i will be walking with full of worries. do you know, sometimes, when you walk, people smile at you.. then, when people just did that to me, i will have the problems to find out who's that person is if i am not wearing my lens or spectacles. see, i hated it so much. but for her, no. though i kept telling her for like thousands times, she never listens! hahah.
she hardly speaks but when she speaks, though some of her words are harsh, but it's funny anyway, to me. though sometimes it hurts me, but then i just realize, that is just her! then i will smile. she also hardly listens to. haha. this is the best part. sometimes i feel like i was talking to a GREAT wall when i talk to her. you can never tell your stories when she's doing her works! trust me. her eyes will never look at you. they'll be on the papers! doing her works.
she is cute if you get to know her deeply. she can dance and sometimes she can screams out of sudden. she is so funny. i have never met such person before and i kinda like her now. yeah, actually i dislike her at the first place. that is why i ran away from her. Ops. whoever knows the story, just keep quiet k.
every time i went into her room, i feel like, huh, i want to do my work also, i want to finish my works! yerp. that is the feeling as soon as you enter her room. it's great isn't it? though i was not feeling it at the first time i entered the room. it was my room. haha. now you know who right? whatever la.. i believe, she is a great person to be called as 'inspiration' other than our prophet s.a.w.. yes, she is that great. but it is just something that i think i want to share about her.
to that person, if you're reading this, no offense k. it's just that, you know, i have said this to you so many times, i want to be like you sometimes! heheh.. :) oh, she's just online. panjang umuq~~
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