
assalamualaikum.. haish, tengah sedap-sedap menaip, boleh pulak takde letrik.. sabau je la. ok, sebenarnya da lari dari topik nih. TODAY, i watched the K's group debate. and guess what, k11 and k13 were so damn good ! haha. but, the better is of course k11. the thing is, we have to debate against k11 ! i've no confidence at all. seeing them performing, makes my knees shaking and my stomach filled with MILLIONS of butterflies !! :( uhuk3 which means, I AM NERVOUS ! then i went back to my room, without my roommate, i was sitting alone. lepas makan megi tomyam n pekena teh o' panas, i started thinking, LIKE THIS........ *check it out, yo-yo bebeh* we all have our own FEAR. tak kisah la, takut exam ke, takut cicak ke, takut lipas ke, takut DEBATE ke..... *opsssss... but not many of us have this... COURAGE ! so, who are we going to be? i mean, we have choices... either being a coward or being a courageous person? hmm,, senirik jawab la yer.. x kan nak suruh saya lark kan? but fo...