

haish, tengah sedap-sedap menaip, boleh pulak takde letrik.. sabau je la.

ok, sebenarnya da lari dari topik nih.

TODAY, i watched the K's group debate. and guess what, k11 and k13 were so damn good ! haha.

but, the better is of course k11. the thing is, we have to debate against k11 ! i've no confidence at all.

seeing them performing, makes my knees shaking and my stomach filled with MILLIONS of butterflies !! :( uhuk3

which means, I AM NERVOUS !

then i went back to my room, without my roommate, i was sitting alone.

lepas makan megi tomyam n pekena teh o' panas,

i started thinking, LIKE THIS........ *check it out, yo-yo bebeh*

we all have our own FEAR. tak kisah la, takut exam ke, takut cicak ke, takut lipas ke, takut DEBATE ke..... *opsssss...

but not many of us have this...


so, who are we going to be? i mean, we have choices...

either being a coward or being a courageous person?

hmm,, senirik jawab la yer.. x kan nak suruh saya lark kan?

but for me, how long will i stay in this fear?

sampai bilaa????

previously, there was a public speaking competition,

i passed the first test, *that one, i was forced !*

i made it to the second round, but i did not go ....

tuuutttt... end of da story

haish, belom laa..

sambung2 !

11 out of 20 from our class made it through,

but none of us went to the second round

like i said, we were forced

well, i had my own reason

and my reason was .....

i am scared with the others...

yeah, dat's the reason.

and after the competition, miss leong met me

and talked to me

according to her, i had a chance to win the competition,

it was bad when i didn't enter..


ok, aku MENYESAL !!

sangat2 lah menyesal

n sekarang,

i am wondering, sampai bila nak takut?

bila nak jadik berani?

listen to this people, "we don't wait for courage to come, we build it !"

meaning, kita tak tunggu keberanian tu datang, tapi kita bina keberanian tu.

ada paham?

ok, good !

to overcome my fears,

to make me not wondering anymore

to measure my ability, my strength

i need to do this,

there's no turning back

what's done cannot be undone * lady macbeth punya ayat*

let's measure our ability bebeh !

yerp, overcome our fear, build our strength, develop confident...

these are ways to overcome our fear and a step towards..........


get what i mean?

come on people, we can do this,


we can,

i can,

i know i can !

alrighhttt !!

dat's da spirit guys.

mungkin da meraban sedikit sebanyak,

think about this,

in a competition, there're winners and losers.

it's a karma bebeh.

being a loser does not mean u are losing ur face,

well, it depends actually,

being a loser can actually make u stronger.

and winners will not always win

a winner will sometime lose

and a winner begins with 'LOSING'

the first time might not be easy,

but as long as we have the will and never give up,

we will succeed !

rite guys?

dat's all, nak kena pegi manifesto lark..

basic math x buat lagi.. :(

...the end....

hasil karya agung,
nur amalina binti ahmad


  1. gila pnjang post!! haha...anyway, wish u best of luck >.<

  2. thanx. ni pendek ja. x salah aku ada yg lgi panjang. haha

  3. jom join contest saya boleh menang RM101.00 di http://nukilangadiskampung.blogspot.com/2010/10/join-my-contest-be-my-followers.html

  4. miss budak chubby, anda telah di-tag dalam entri saya..jum tgk!!!

    wek letak r shoutbox ka chatbox..haish.


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