hoLs guys !
assalamualaikum wbt..
hey guys, today is Wednesday !!! daaaaa... everyone knows that! to me, I just wanted to do a bit exaggeration. this is because, tomorrow's going to be Thursday. and the next day is Friday.. again, daaaaaaaaaaaaaa, everyone knows that. haha. to those who are already at home, u might not be feeling this. the feeling of going home after a while u've been separated from your beloved family. ma familia~~ tekiero mucho! i miss my family~~especially my little dongsaeng *brother* all of us will say that yesterday is our independence day, but to me, this Friday is my independence day! y? because, that's the day where I'll be going home! yeay!!!
today and tomorrow are going to be a bit extreme for me. because I am about to finish my assignments before I go back to Penang. but that doesn't really matter when you have a very kind and gentle and lovely father to come and pick you here at this ipg every time you are having ur hols rite? haha.. I know, I am being pampered by my father. but that's what I got when I fulfilled his wish to see one of his children to be a teacher. hehe.. *don't get me wrong, but I am doing this sincerely! * weekk!!!
hah! this tradition I will never forget here at this ipg. the lecturers are all like to torture us. you know, when it's holidays, it means no more things like assignments and tasks rite? but this maktab ar, haiyaaa... manyak susah oo.. it doesn't matter what hols ur are in, u still have to bring this thingsss home. sucks man ! I really want a peaceful and tranquil hols... huhu..

ok, tonight my aim is to finish at least one assignments. huh? can you really do two assignments at one night? ok, it's just my wish before I go back home.

see, this is what we called homework~~ we do this at HOME.

this thing it's strange rite? but it's true. ok put up hands if u have never felt this way for one day? *tipu la tue* seriously, it's a waste of time but I know, it's ADDICTIVE rite? same here. ever since I know how to use the internet, I got stuck with this up until now. I'll never know when this feeling's going to stop. until I get married I guess? haha... again with marriage thing. ok, wateva guys. I'm going back home on Friday and my dad is going to pick me up. he'll be praying his Jumaat's pray here, at Ipoh and after that, it's time to go home bebeh !
p/s: u know, I will have different feelings while listening to songs played by the radio and played on computer. especially, lagu raya~~ waa, nak balik. *balik nanti mesti kena wat kuih raya, sigh*
i hour on the pc seems like 1 minute while 1 minute doing study seems like 1 hour...
hahah... betoi2. tapi, waktu bila ja aku stadi kat sni? wat keja ja banyak. kuang3.. exam pon x dak g.