today n yesterday ...

assalamualaikum wbt and peace upon all.

i believe it has been quite some time since i've updated the entry, but that's okay. nobody's gonna read it. anyway, i've been totally busy this week (though the week has not yet ended) because of the apartment that we rent.

wow, sounds amazing right, apartment. erkk? is it? LOL

it's not a spacious house but still, we can fit in it. so, yesterday i went out and was very disappointed with the news that our allowance has not been banked in yet. to pay for the deposit, some of us found it hard to pay with no money. luckily for me, i had prepared it weeks before (my father did bank in the money). but for the others, they had no money to pay for the deposit. and also, luckily, among us, there were some people who were willing to pay the money first for them. it was hanim n shiron. :) i also lent some money to k.nurul. well, somehow we have to pay the deposit right? actually, i am the one insisted to pay that day. teehee

then, we met the landlord, with was quite hilarious since the landlord was so kind giving us some drink n some food to munch. we felt like we were visiting him since it was just few days past chinese new year. yeah, i took a lot of sweets with me.

after that we went back to our hostel. what happened that night was i packed all my clothes, excluding the formal clothes used for class. then i just realized that i have a lot of clothes in the closet, here, in my college! i was so surprised to know that my big luggage is not enough to put all my clothes. then, i was cleaning up my closet (not eminem's song) n i just found out that i have a lot of small bags which i can use to put my purse and my phone to go for shopping! not to mention i have a lot of handbags too. T.T *why haven't i realize this before??

after putting all the clothes inside the luggage and squeeze it till it could be closed, i pick another bag to put the clothes that i couldn't squeeze into the luggage.

i was sitting on my bed and started to think. to my surprise, i have 10 pairs of shoes (including slipper). i have 3 heels, 2 pairs of wedges, 2 pairs of my class shoes, 2 pairs of my sport shoes, and a slipper. OMG.. how am i supposed to move all these things into my new cutie house???

not only that, i also have books and files !! this is gonna be such a tiring day to move all these things.. with the iron, the heater, the rice cooker, the printer......... *miserable

today was a fairytale. teehee. no ! today was awesome~~ we just got our allowance, which i had used a lot of it to pay for many things especially my beloved broadband! T.T

this is all for the update.. :0

see ya~~


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