why can't everyone be beautiful ?

assalamualaikum wbt n peace upon all..

i'm just wondering why can't anyone be beautiful ? why we have to judge people by the way they look ? 

and, don't other girls deserve to be and feel beautiful ? 

i believe every girl wants to look and feel beautiful but they can't because there are people out there who always look and judge them and even worse spit out something that is SO not nice to hear and it's very hurt. 

for me, i believe everyone really deserves to feel beautiful about themselves. you should too. just because you don't dress up like a barbie doll but that does not mean you're ugly ! hello ! guys, open up your eyes.... 
just be the way you are, feel good about yourself n never let people down or feel bad because you want yourself to feel good. get what i mean ? urgh, i really am disgusted with people especially women who are always condemning other women's way or how they look. it will not even give a slice of cut on your skin to say "hey, you look beautiful and gorgeous today." 

just remember, making others around you feel bad about themselves won't make you any better ! 


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