missing you lah dear...

hey guys, right now, i really miss my twin.. 

eh, i've got twin? you didn't know about that ? hmm, she's 29 years older than me.. it's my mom.. 

my twin ! 

i just called her but she's in meeting. i really want to go back to my hometown this weekend n i don't care if i have to ride the bus alone (my mom won't allow me to ride the bus alone) 


i have class on Friday, in the evening. n i really feel like i want to request my dad to come over here and spend some time with me but i'll be troubling my dad then. so hard.. 


i know that this sacrifice will be worth it if i pass my exam well. i want to see my mom and dad smiling when i tell them about my result. oh yeah.. that feeling is good. totally worth it. don't you think so ? 

n i really don't have money right now and i am not yet desperately need them right now because i can still survive without calling my dad to bank in some money. hehehe.. 

now that the bank is near, i really do want to ask my dad to bank in my money, the thousand which i asked him to keep. then he won't be in trouble to bank in some more. but i know, and he knows, that's not gonna happen. why ? because in the end, i will be asking more. teehee.. 

i don't know what i'm babbling here but my hands just keep hitting the keyboard. 


i miss shopping malls too. :( 
hey, i'm still a teenager, that's what teens do. fooling around. haha. just kidding. 


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