
Showing posts from October, 2011

akhirnya !

haha.. after all of the sickening themes i got from the internet, i finally downloaded the theme designer myself. it's for my samsung corby phone. felt quite satisfied after my first trial. hehehe... :) 

don't be good to me - jong kook oppa

hujan lebat ngat skang... best layan lagu 'don't be good to me' by kim jong kook. haha.. jiwang2... stop sat baca buku ! :) 

trendy? naah... it's brainy ! :)

someone just posted on her FB talking about how she's so sick with people around her kept uttering the 'aigoo' word (korean for sighing if i'm not mistaken)  most of the time. well, i am quite offended with her words since me and my friends kept speaking in korean even it is a simple line like, 'i'm hungry' - baegohpa, hi - anneyong, 'r u crazy?' - michoseo? and many more simple lines. well, you can't blame those who want to speak in korea, not because of it's the trend nowadays (really? who said so?). the reason for me to speak in korean because i really want to learn this language since i already have the ability to read in korean. surprised? don't be. i have learnt this ever since i was 15 years old. i can remember each character of the korean language. (i am not bragging but just telling)  learning a new language is really good for your brain. (that's what i'm doing right now) it will give a lot of benefits to you. if you are...

it's nothing, really...

things always occur unexpectedly and sometimes they just happen the way we planned. what do you expect? it's LIFE we are talking about. thus in everything we do, we must always have back up plans. think wisely before you act. if you're not, you will be regretting things that happened to you.  last night was a very heavy burden to me. i felt nothing at first but i am feeling it right now. perhaps i am going through hormonal changes right now (maybe). when i think back about what happened last night, i'll be letting a huge sigh. a heavy one. but, i know that there's not nothing i can't do, there is something i can do about it.  i'll just say people come and stop by in your life, some stay permanently and some don't.. while i have everyone that i love around me, i'll appreciate them so much.  to shiron, please take note that i will always love you and as i said previously, i want to be there for you through the happiest time of your life and through the ...

and i'm guilty

because of my foolishness, i shut this person down. but now i realize how matter i was to this person but now, this person thinks that i don't matter anymore. realizing this has made me sad. it's not this person's fault if this person wants to ignore me and throw me away. and for that, i'll be guilty for the rest of my life.  can't really use the pronoun because to name this person with he or she will really give a huge difference and interpretation. 

mistake - demi lovato

awesome song !  p/s: there's nothing broken inside of me. :) 

tiada tajuk yer...

assalamualaikum wbt n peace upon all. well only now i have the chance to update my blog. my dad didn't tell me about the internet-wire-can-be-used right till this night. luckily. i wish he tells me later because i am super-allergic to the internet. can't get myself off from it. too bad ain't it? teehee  anyway, since i'm here at home i was thinking for quite some time, should i take this break for one week or two weeks? well, i really have no idea. but i think i want to spend more time and my study time at home.  i just got back because i went out for a while to the mall with my dad, just the two of us.. my dad is super-cool! the purpose of going to the mall was to buy me a guitar and he ended up buying a filter for home! now my dad is already thinking about buying another filter that'll cost him rm1000++. >.<'' up to you lah dad, i have no objection. it's your money after all. haha..  btw, i'll be busy after this and might not be able to ...

sedih. maaf syg.

aku tau, kau nak sangat-sangat aku ikut skali kan? tapi maaf sangat-sangat. aku tak dapat nak ikut. sorry sayang. sangat-sangat. sedih lah. sob3.. 

menipu? munasabah la sikit weh. kau dah besar.

"ala, cover la kat aku jap. cakap aku sakit ke, aku ada hal ke.. jangan la letak kosong kat kehadiran aku. aku malas lah nak pergi kelas, pensyarah tu suka bising-bising dengan aku."  pernah dengar tak ayat ni? ini adalah ayat statement di mana orang tu suruh orang lain MENIPU bagi pihak mereka atas sebab diorang nak bersenang-lenang.  tapi bagi aku lah kan, lau nak suruh aku menipu untuk orang-orang camni, aku nak jawab camni kat orang tu, "boleh kalau nak suruh aku menipu untuk kau, tapi nanti bila ALLAH tanya aku nanti, aku nak bagi dosa menipu tu kat kau, kau lah tolong tanggung dosa menipu aku tu, boleh kan?"  yer, memang orang menipu ni boleh terlepas kat dunia, tapi dengan Allah, sorry lah kalau kau nak menipu, engat boleh lepas ke? Allah Maha Mengetahui segalanya. engat tu.  tak susah pun nak bersikap jujur kan? kalau rasa nak menipu sekali pun, pikirlah orang lain sama. janganlah sampai menyusahkan orang lain. kalau tak menyusahkan orang lain tak apa. ...


hi everyone.. the time is 2.42 AM in the morning and i have not yet sleeping. why ? this is all because i have stupidly, recklessly spending my weekend doing almost nothing when i am supposed to do something. i have to submit learning portfolio by today but all my friends refused to do anything about it. but since i already planned to wake up and do the work, i guess i am not going to sleep dearly soon. instead of doing my homework, i call my brother and we talked. it's nice to hear from him again because lately i was too busy to even call my mom. i am truly sorry. but i did call my dad. my mom is always busy by the way. it is so hard to call her especially when she is at home. why? because the youngest man (boy) in the house will keep disturbing her from talking on the phone and whenever he got on the phone with me, he won't give up the phone. i miss him after all. my youngest brother, yang comel-comel tuh. eii nak cubit pipi dia bila balik nanti. tunggu la ari jumaat ni..  o...

oh tennis

okeh, kenal tak ni apa ? raket la kan. raket tennis. ni adalah sukan yang aku minat lately. sebenarnya dah lama minat tapi baru sekarang ada peluang nak main n belajar. oh yeah. aku masih lagi belajar lam main tennis. boleh kata tiap-tiap petang aku turun maktab untuk main benda alah ni. sekarang bahu aku agak sakit sebab selalu sambut volley ball mira yang memang power tuh. nasib baik partner ngan syuk tadi. tak dak la sambut bola laju syuk. betambah-tambah sakit la bahu nanti.  semalam balik rumah dalam pukul 2 pagi (lebih sikit la) sebab siapkan booth untuk pameran pagi tadi.  dalam boleh nak tido tu ada gak la lam pukul 3.30 pagi. tapi nasib baik berjaya bangun seawal 6.10 pagi. tido kejap je kan. pastu masa pameran bejalan tersangatlah banyak sampai sakit kaki.  balik-balik rumah, pas makan nasi sambil tengok cita plus semayang zohor, terus baring sebelah shidah dan melelapkan diri. shiron tido lagi awal ! kemudian, tah number sapa tah kol, mengacau ja orang nak t...

jutaan apresiasi

alhamdulillah.. pameran hari ni memang berjalan dengan lancar walaupun malam sebelumnya memang menghadapi konflik yang mencabar sangat-sangat. dengan letih, mengantuk, semua rasa pun dah timbul tapi masing-masing rasa seronok sebab dapat berada and bagi sumbangan kat kawan-kawan. biarpun tanpa kudrat dari lelaki yang mana kelas-kelas lain dapat, tapi kelas kitorang berjaya jugak menghabiskan pameran ni. alhamdulillah sangat-sangat. syukur kepada Allah kerana memberikan kudrat serta kekuatan untuk mengharungi hari yang mencabar pada semalam dan hari ni. kepada yang terlibat, jutaan terima kasih diucapkan. 

kawankah ?

assalamualaikum wbt n peace upon all.. hi everyone. i am thinking, what is the definition of 'friendship'? and what makes a person our friend? i really don't have the exact answer for this but there are certain people that i only want to recognize them as my classmate. nothing more than that. why? i received enough lies, broken promises from these people. whatever they say can never really comfort me or gives security to me. that's what i thought. maybe i should trust them. but being lied for more than a lie will absolutely make me not to trust them anymore. i am really sorry for saying this. but to gain my trust, you have to earn it. i won't say it will be easy. you can do it if you want or you can choose to not do anything and i will always have doubts in you. with no regrets i'm saying this.  i know that it is a stupid mistake to actually count on them. to seek their help when i know myself that they will not turn up and do the favour. i am advising myself...

confession of a heart that has started to like someone.

i was just wondering.. does he (referring to a specific person) have the courage to tell me the truth? is he brave enough to go straight to my parent and tell them how much he wants me to be his wife? oh, sungguh terharu lah kan kalau betul-betul terjadi.. teehee..  to that person, i have given you so many clues to tell you that i know how you feel and i am feeling the same way but you just refused to read the signs...  siapakah manusia yang dimaksudkan, biarlah aku sorang saja yang tau~  mana boleh habaq kat sini, public ohh~ 


huhu.. hari ni tak tau kenapa tapi tetiba mood rasa tak baik sangat-sangat. tapi tak dak la sampai nak mengamuk dekat orang kan.. mula-mula pagi tadi punya eksaited sebab dapat main tennis. sekali bila da main, kena marah pulak ngan lecturer. okay, tak pa lagi taim tu. tapi bila orang yang teristimewa n tersayang ni masuk campoq jugak, aku dah tak tahan.. las-las meleleh gak air mata kat court tennis tu. seb bek yang menyaksikan peristiwa ni sorang ja. haha... nak cita kat sapa plak tak tau, sebab selalu cita kt yang teristimewa tu tapi dia cakap camtu lak tadi, tak kan la nak pi cita kat dia kot. malu la aku. =,=''.. so demi nak pujuk diri seniri, makan la eskrem. ni ja jalan nak cheer up aku. heheh. pastu, masa kelas EDU teman seperjuangan mesej, tanya kenapa nanges. wuwuwuwuwuw.. bila cita balik kat dia, aku nangis lagi. naseb baek tunduk n pensyarah pon tak bising. meleleh air mata jatuh. sedih tak tau nak habaq~~ seb bek la ada dia nak pujuk aku so aku end up ok la skit....

in tense

my weakness is i can't work in pair or in group ! i rather work alone even the work load is too much for me i can still bear it and be satisfied with it. i like it when the ideas are all mine and the hard work is all mine. when i have to work with somebody else, i get so unease. y ? especially among the people whom i think their superior and whenever i am with them, i feel inferior. i can hardly give opinion and it is hardly been heard. so when i'm in a group i rather listen and do rather than decide though i prefer to decide and give opinions.  i mean, i feel like they don't care what i'm talking about and i really have to gain their attention to even listen to my opinions. haha. so funny ain't it? so i ended up getting tired to gain their attention and to ask them to listen to me. that is why i dislike group work. 

kelas mengantuk

okay, skang rasa sangat mengantukkkk !! ni gara-gara tidoq lambat semalam. pkul 2. harharr.. skyping..  tapi still leh fokus kat kelas and dengar apa lecturer dok cakap.  if ! dia keluaq japgi, nak tdoq jap. dah la bangun lambat. 6.40 baru bgun! tu pon jaga tekejut. huhu..  so, kalau bulih la, nak tidoq satt jaa..  my sayang petama x mai hari ni. sakit bahu lagi rasanya. kesian betoi... ada sayang kedua ja.  huhu..  sayang petama lak tak reply mesej, lagi la mengantuk. at least lau selalunya kalau mengantuk aku akn mesej ngn dia. rasanya dia tidoq lagi la kot skang sebab tu tak reply mesej aku. huhu.. okeh, bosannn !! 

living under the spotlight? it ain't my way babe !

okay, entry kali ni ditulis sebab rasa nak luahkan jugak apa yang terbuku kat hati.. i'm not the type of girl who likes to be under the spotlight. maksudnya, aku ni bukan jenis pompuan yang suka kejar popularity. aku suka dengan diri aku sekarang, aku happy n bersyukur dengan apa yang aku ada. biarlah aku tak kurus or tak selawa macam pompuan lain, tapi aku bahagia dengan pemberian-Nya.  and, aku paling pantang tok nenek kalau aku ni kena compare dengan orang lain. aduh, kenapa nak samakan aku dengan orang lain sedangkan setiap manusia tu berbeza. macam member aku ni cakap tadi, "am, kalau hang kurus mesti hang dah jadi macam *sum1*." erk, kenapa aku nak jadik macam budak (model lam maktab) tu pulak? aku sama ka dengan dia? kalau dia suka melawa 24 jam, tak kan aku nak melawa 24 jam jugak semata-mata orang tengok n puji kecantikan aku? (walaupun tak dak la lawa mana n budak ni bukan la menayang kecantikan dia, sebab dia memang dah cantik, jangan salah faham lak). betul...


assalamualaikum wbt n peace upon all.  hey guys, today i woke up a little bit earlier than usual, 10 minutes earlier from the usual days to be exact, and i also slept late at night the night before, at 1 a.m. luckily i was able to bring myself up and went to the class and followed my daily-life routines.   there aren't much to tell, it's just that our group received praises from the lecturer after we presented our presentation. haha. okay, the lecturer is rarely praising others so after we did quite a good job in explaining intonation and the functions of intonation 1 we felt relieved and proud of ourselves. well, it's me actually who felt that way, i didn't know about my other group members.  lawa la plak gambaq nih, sebab tu amek. haha well done ya kawan2..  anyway, after class my housemates went out living me and kak nurul at  home.  i did nothing much, (sleeping).. LOL.  i was sleepy probably because the lack of sleep the night before. s...

calon menantu mak! :)

lau dah tau menantu tu bakal graduate luaq negara, memang la dia tak nak lepas kan~~ haishh... harap-harap mak aku tak memilih bab2 calon menantu nih.. :) 


if you love me, let me know

helping others

here's a situation, you were dressing up so nice that day because you just felt to do so, then you went out to a mall.. when you walk among the crowd suddenly you passed few people who looked 'less' than you. what were you thinking by then? would you disgust them? would you sympathize them?  i was walking when i met 'these' people. at first i was not quite comfortable with the sight i was looking but then i thought, hey they are human too. they deserve to walk on the same path as i do? what makes me so proud to feel the way i felt? n in my heart i heard myself saying, i need to and i want to change 'these' people and i won't run away from them if they ever needed my help. i know that everything happens for a reason or maybe reasons. but what i know, i am destined to change people. and i know it's not an easy task but i will take that challenge.  tell you what, you don't need all the money in this world to change people. there was a saying but i...

mr. right

hey guys, I was thinking about this and I decided to write about it. finding mr. right for me it's not easy since mr. jay is still on my mind. BUT (I don't know why I always mention 'but') that does not mean he'll be my mr. right, ops, that does not mean I'll be his mrs. right. *oh, it has been almost four years... then again, i kept worrying about this thing, how am I gonna get married if finding mr right is based on mr. jay's characteristics? member penah cakap, "kau tak pe la, petik jari je ade yang datang.." senang giler kan? so aku amek keputusan, biar lah mr. right tu orang yang ada agama. haha. cerewet gak kan aku nih ? ni ja characteristic yang aku nak so far. lain2 mungkin aku tambah. huhu.. oh, entry yang tak dak makna langsung~~~~~ ps: aku dah tak tau nak cakap kat sapa sal benda nih... >.<" notakaki: entry tak berfaedah ni ditulis sementara menunggu shiron basuh baju. aku nak mandi weh!!! tsk3


we have important thing to do today and from what had happened, I learned few lessons. being a leader is not an easy task. because not everyone can have the ability to be the right leader. being a leader does not mean you have to satisfy everyone beneath you but that also does not mean you should neglect them. finding the best solution is not easy because not everyone's opinions are the same. your head and others' might not be thinking the same. BUT that also does not mean among the people they should argue. instead, they can collaborate and discuss about the problem. and most importantly the people must support the leader. because YOU chose the leader.  just remember, a leader is still  A HUMAN BEING, and being human means they make mistakes. never think or hope that the leader you choose is perfect in all aspects. like you, they make mistakes too. what we are supposed to do is, give them support and let the leader knows that you are her/his people are there to support him/...

there are two seas in Palestine

there are two seas in Palestine. one is fresh, and fish are in it. splashes of green adorn its banks. trees spread their branches over it and stretch out their thirsty roots to sip of its healing waters. ...The River Jordan makes this sea with sparkling water from the hills. so it laughs in the sunshine. and men build their houses near to it, and birds their nests; and every kind of life is happier because it is there.   The River Jordan flows on south into another sea.    Here is no splash of fish, no fluttering leaf, no song of birds, no children's laughter. travelers choose another route, unless on urgent business. the air hangs heavy above its water, and neither man nor beast nor fowl will drink.   what makes this mighty difference in these neighbour seas? not the River Jordan. it empties the same good water into both. not the soil in which they lie; not in the country round about.   this is the difference. the Sea of Galilee receives but does not keep ...

assignment? lebih baik bersabar jer. i have no word to say to these people anymore.

assalamualaikum wbt n peace upon all.. masa dapat news pasal assignment tak sampai kat tangan lecturer lagi, memang la terkejut. marah pon ada. hantar hari selasa ritu lagi, tapi kenapa tak sampai-sampai lagi kat tangan pensyarah. rasa nak mengamuk sangat-sangat. marah tu dah meluap-luap . hampir-hampir terlepas marah dekat Eyka, nasib baik tak marah lagi sebab masih rasional. sori lah eqa. lepas tu tarik nafas dalam-dalam, cuba fikir yang positif walaupun dalam fikiran semua benda dah jadi negatif. tapi cuba juga untuk berfikiran positif, sekarang baru rasa stabil balik. kalau ditakdirkan terjadi apa-apa dekat assignment tu, (InsyaAllah tak) aku terpaksa redha la kan. nak marah pun macam tak dak guna jugak. and, aku cuba untuk tidak menyalahkan sesiapa dalam hal ni dan hari-hari akan datang aku akan pastikan yang tangan aku sendiri yang akan menghulurkan hasil titik peluh aku tu dekat tangan pensyarah. tak dak sebaris ayat pun yang aku copy sebijik-sebijik dari internet or...