helping others

here's a situation, you were dressing up so nice that day because you just felt to do so, then you went out to a mall.. when you walk among the crowd suddenly you passed few people who looked 'less' than you. what were you thinking by then? would you disgust them? would you sympathize them? 

i was walking when i met 'these' people. at first i was not quite comfortable with the sight i was looking but then i thought, hey they are human too. they deserve to walk on the same path as i do? what makes me so proud to feel the way i felt? n in my heart i heard myself saying, i need to and i want to change 'these' people and i won't run away from them if they ever needed my help. i know that everything happens for a reason or maybe reasons. but what i know, i am destined to change people. and i know it's not an easy task but i will take that challenge. 

tell you what, you don't need all the money in this world to change people. there was a saying but i can't really remember the whole thing but i'll try to explain..

if you want to help people who are starving, you don't give them the fish, you give them a fishing rod. 

that's how it is i think. 

so get what i'm trying to say here? 

my question is, are you feeling the same way ? 


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