
we have important thing to do today and from what had happened, I learned few lessons.

being a leader is not an easy task. because not everyone can have the ability to be the right leader. being a leader does not mean you have to satisfy everyone beneath you but that also does not mean you should neglect them. finding the best solution is not easy because not everyone's opinions are the same. your head and others' might not be thinking the same. BUT that also does not mean among the people they should argue. instead, they can collaborate and discuss about the problem. and most importantly the people must support the leader. because YOU chose the leader. 

just remember, a leader is still  A HUMAN BEING, and being human means they make mistakes. never think or hope that the leader you choose is perfect in all aspects. like you, they make mistakes too. what we are supposed to do is, give them support and let the leader knows that you are her/his people are there to support him/her, not to bring them down.

past is past, let them be in the past. learn to let go and forgive. 

to all the people involved, let's learn to forgive and forget. she's our friend, most importantly and she needs our support. :D 

have a nice day everyone. 


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