living my life

it is so difficult to live without at least owned transport. well, at least bicycle. i don't even have that. no, i'm not joking. it's true. right now, the only way for me to go back and forth to the college is by getting in other's car and give them trouble! so sorry guys. like seriously. maaf lah menyusahkan hidup anda-anda semua. jasa anda akan ku kenang. 

so not to say i am a demanding girl for asking a car from my dad. which is obviously not because he already promised to give me one when i entered this college. so, dad, tolonglah hantar keta tu asap. because i really need it. tak nak menyusahkan others lagi dah and terpaksa tebal muka mintak dorang hantarkan pegi sana sini. sob3. 


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