hoping to inspire,what do you think?

it's funny how we always look at others' lives and think, 'how lucky the are and i wish to have such lives too.' okay,let's not be too general upon this. basically that's me when i read about how successful others are. especially those who are so so so lucky to have looks, brain, and buh-bling buh-bling things in their lives, good friends, i mean it, friendS. but behind all the fame and all the good stories, we (again..) i never look upon behind the stories. what they have to do to have such success. do i even worth it to be in their shoes, will i be able to withstand it and be strong as them? sometimes, my heart wanting the things i adore and forgetting about all those miseries that one's has to face in their life. i am just being human. right? 

so, instead of copy-catting other's lives, how about i create my own life? my own history. be my own legend instead of hiding behind somebody elses' shadows. but of course do not be selfish. please keep that in mind. instead of daydreaming about it on the bed or couch or even on the toilet, how about make it happen? plan it wisely and make it happen. i believe everyone has at least one dream that they want to fulfill in their lives. take a day rest from whatever you are doing and focus on your life. sit on a table with a cup of coffe, or latte, or whatever suits you, plan the whole thing. i mean in every details. even list out the obstacles that you might face and of course not just obstacles you silly, the ways to overcome them too. although you are making this about you, you must also not forget about others. especially the one you love and the one that loves you. just remember that do not step onto others just because you want to skip the rocking waves because at the end of the day, you might get the success you want but you will never experience the joy of getting it. that's all i am saying. so goodnight everyone. 


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