expect nothing and you wont be disappointed

disappointment. everyone hates it. so do i. i read a tweet that says "Expect nothing and you won't be disappointed." somehow it seems so true. we always have expectations. it doesn't matter what the expectation is but we do expect something right? we expect someone to be nice at us but it turns out that person stabbed us behind our back. we studied so hard for the exam and we expect to score with flying colours but it turned out bad. see. we always expect something. i also cannot escape from this reality. it just happened to me a lot lately. i just don't want to mention it because somebody might get hurt. so i will just keep it to myself. what i am trying to say is, i actually learned my lesson. i should never expect something. because i cannot cope with failure and disappointment. yes. true enough. we never have the power to control what is going to happen. unless we have gods power of course then you won't feel the disappointment thrown at your face. but it is just impossible. i never have the power to control the mind of whoever i am dealing with. i may never know what he or she is thinking. but in the end, the hope that i had before, crushed in front of me. it's like we are submitting the assignment paper that we have been writing for like two months, we work hard for it but in the end, the papers are crumpled, torn, right in front of us and we don't have the power to work or against it or even to save it. it just happen. snap! like that. then we will feel very much disappointed. with this i am just saying, not that we should but sometimes we can expect nothing just to face whatever that's going to happen next to avoid disappointment. from now on, i should learn when to expect and when not to expect. :') 


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