Make-up can alter your face

Morning guys. 
Today I want to talk about my favourite subject of all, and that would be, make up. 

I have a huge interest in make-up. If possible, I want to own everything of branded make -up products. That's my dream. 

But I am not gonna deal with people who want to an artist or the one who needs make-up most i.e. brides, I am gonna deal with students and make up is definitely not a tool needed in a classroom.

Anyway, back to the topic I wanted to say. Have you ever been to your friends wedding particularly in Malaysia. Have ever take a look at the bride and say, wow, she is so beautiful. Or perhaps, you don't even recognize your own sister after she had put on her make-up? 

Yes. I still remember when my auntie got married. The first time I looked at her I asked myself, who is this? She looked totally different! 

Now in Facebook, they have uploaded a picture of a bride before and after using this make-up product. There is a huge difference OK! 

So, I sent the picture to my boyfriend and asked him, is it okay for me to make-up like this and the real life I looked like the ugly me? Would his husband be shocked at their first night and wondering where is the girl he married 8 hours ago? Think about that. 

I know. All brides want to be beautiful and have a glowing face and not to forget flawless face during their wedding day. But you don't have to alter your whole face using make -up. Let's say, if you have a dark complexion, then make use of it. Appreciate what is given to you from God. Don't change your skin tone using make-up and turn ultra-white on your wedding day. Trust me, when you look into the mirror, you feel good. But think about when you are about to sleep and what face you're going to show to your husband. 

My advice to future brides would be, don't think about wanting to look beautiful on your wedding day DEPENDING on make -up only. Take time to give treatment to your skin, for example, hydrate them. Drink a lot of water everyday and put on sun-screen and don't forget to wash and moisturize your face EVERYDAY! Don't give me that bullshit that you don't have time to do all this. Look for skin treatment or you can just try the DIY scrub. Everything now is on YouTube. Go put your ass in front of your computer and search for it. 

Remember, your face is the first thing you show to people. Take care of that. Appreciate what you have now. And think of the long-lasting effect that will happen when you didn't take care of your face. 


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