I've heard that some people said, the way to calm down when you are angry is to write the down the thoughts. Here I am now, I need to do this. I don't want to start with last night. Last night was too much and it had no relation with today, so I'm not going to talk about it. This morning, I woke up as usual, and everything was normal except for the thing that pissed me off this morning was I needed to find my shoe. No big deal, it was found under my housemate's car. But the thing that made me pissed off so much was, I carried quite a number of bags and I just couldn't put it down. Plus, it was heavy. One cursed word came out this morning. Then, I drove the car as usual. Since I parked the car outside, and it was raining last night, can you imagine the state of my car? I hope you do cause I don't really want to describe it. My vision was quite limited this morning so I put on extra precautions while driving. Then in a dark road, I was looking out ...