them and me = fun

yesterday was really fun. i had a really good time with friends. who said i'm just going out with my boyfriend 24/7? 

in the evening i went to our college with them to watch the handball competition. ooh, I was not playing I was just cheering for them. it's good that once in a while you went out a little while instead of sitting in the same room looking at only the four walls. to be able to breathe the fresh air and meeting people. I used to think that I am definitely not a social kind of person, but being with them, I learned that you could actually learn to socialize! the evening was definitely fun. plus, I got free certificate for the handball. they did not have enough players so they asked us to fill in the form for the bench players. come on! who can refuse a good certificate like this, for free! to make things even more interesting and worthy, I received a medal as well! good for me. 

after that, we had our dinner and planned to hang around somewhere. so after dinner we headed to the ktm. trust me, even though you think you could do so much in front of your laptop, what I did last night was definitely worth my time. I got to hang out with my housemates, talk about everything. plus, we really enjoyed watching the boys who were still learning how to use roller blade. it was definitely funny. some were hanging on the tree for support, some had countlessly fell down on their buttocks which were definitely a hilarious sight to see. oh yeah, they had giant bubbles there. but I think the bubbles solutions were not good enough because the bubbles did not stay bubbly for a while. it popped so quickly. so, no good! 

that's it for now. this is really like a diary entry for me so if you feel bored reading this then it's not your fault. :) good day! 


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