I cursed you stupid drivers!

I've heard that some people said, the way to calm down when you are angry is to write the down the thoughts. Here I am now, I need to do this. 

I don't want to start with last night. Last night was too much and it had no relation with today, so I'm not going to talk about it.

This morning, I woke up as usual, and everything was normal except for the thing that pissed me off this morning was I needed to find my shoe. No big deal, it was found under my housemate's car. But the thing that made me pissed off so much was, I carried quite a number of bags and I just couldn't put it down. Plus, it was heavy. One cursed word came out this morning. 

Then, I drove the car as usual. Since I parked the car outside, and it was raining last night, can you imagine the state of my car? I hope you do cause I don't really want to describe it. My vision was quite limited this morning so I put on extra precautions while driving. Then in a dark road, I was looking out for the vehicles that coming from the opposite ways and the road was quite small. It was very shocking for me to see there were kids on the other side of the road. Man, it was dangerous! I drove a really huge car and I am still adapting with its space, so I was really shocked. But I managed to let it go. 

Then, I continued the journey. There was this car. It was a small car. I am not trying to discriminate huge car and small car. But really, the driver drove at less than 60km/h! So never mind that, I filled in the gas of my car, and the journey to school was again, continued. 

Then, I met this car again. The same car. The same snail car. The light was green. But all of sudden, the driver brake his car. So, I thought he was going to stop. So I took a left side of the road and wanted to go because the light was still green. Just as I wanted to overtake the car, the car sped up. Horrible feeling came. I was angry of course. 

Then, this snail car was in front of me again. Driving extra cautiously I guess. There was a junction in front. So the driver put on the right signal. Again, I took the left side of the road. Then he went straight. I cursed you car! The driver actually wanted to turn right at upper junction. Damn you! If so, why do you have to put on your signal so damn early?? Some more, it was a traffic light. And it was red! You don't have to put on your signal that early. Damn stupid car. 

So, I passed the car. Since I went straight and that car turned right. Since I was already angry it sort of distract my attention and I was losing focus. This time around, it was my fault. I nearly hit a car and I managed to stop immediately. The nyonya was angry at me. I know. My fault. I don't blame her. I blame the stupid car in front of me that made me angry. 

Although I sound very stupid for blaming someone else when I am the one who feel angry, but damn it, I still want to blame that stupid snail driver. 

So, I was already losing focus, while going up the hill, I missed the gear. I was driving manual btw. Luckily there was no car behind me or else I'll be labelled as snail car too.

So, I nearly reached my school when there was another junction. I was going to turn right. There was one car gave the signalled that it was going to enter the same road that I was going to take. Behind the car, there was this motorcycle. There was no signal on which means, he wanted to go straight. NOPE. That stupid motorcycle rider turned to the same road as I was going to take. Man, who's not angry?? Damn it. 

Never mind, it happened to me before. The motorcycle riders always gave me this shit. So, I calmed down a little. 

Then I encountered another stupid car. This car was giving a right signal. So I thought he was going to turn right and send his/her car to a nursery in front. Just when he's reaching the end of the junction, he turned left! Fuck that driver! I was super pissed off. What kind of driving lesson did you have huh! I am not being arrogant but this morning I had to deal with so much stupid drivers and I was really angry. 

Huh. I calmed down a little. Now I can do my work. 




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