BOOK REVIEW: Silencer by James W. Hall

Hey guys. Here's what I think about the book entitled Silencer by James W. Hall. 

Let me copy to you the synopsis from the book. 

Here's the synopsis, copied directly from the book. So, quoted James W. Hall.

"Earl Hammond, the wealthy patriarch of a family ranchers, lies dead, shot just as he was to donate his Coquina Ranch to the state to preserve it from developers. spearheading the plan to save this environmental treasure was Thorn, a reluctant heir to a secret family fortune, who now finds himself in terrible danger as well. A pair of deviant brothers, both contract killers, kidnap him and drag him to a game preserve, surrounded by herds of exotic and very dangerous animals. He is entrapped in a sinkhole - a geological dungeon from which there is no escape. 

"But Frisco Hammond, the dark sheep of the family, is drawn into the investigation of his father's murder and Thor's disappearance. he suspects the crimes are related. Helping him is his brother's beautiful, troubled wife, Claire. They uncover a trail that leads back to the 1930's, to a cabal of powerful and rich men with a sinister plan." 

Hope that helps you to know the gist of the story. To know more, you need to read it yourself. "IF" you want to know. 

After I read this book, I found out that the plot was not very interesting. The story is good. When I first started reading it, I found it very dull and boring. It was talking about the setting in the story. It put things in detail about the setting of the story. For example, at the beginning of the story, the author was talking about the animals that lived there, what was the owner of the place doing. Since I have no background knowledge of such places, it was really boring. To me, the words in the book did not manage to put my heart in reading it.

But after a while, I found myself couldn’t stop reading it. I was probably bored because I couldn’t connect to the internet, so I pretty much did not have anything to do. So I found myself flipping through pages of the book. Funny. I did not have the curiosity to know how’s the ending’s gonna be like. You must be thinking, why the hell did I keep reading the boring book when I could stop reading and pick another book? Here, let me tell you something, I am the kind of person, if I started reading a book, I could not touch other book before I finished reading the book. I am wired like this. Or probably I’m just weird. That's why I have to finish reading it. 

Anyway, back to the review. I could not identify who is the main character in the story. Was it Thorn? Was it Claire, or was it Frisco? I really had no idea. To me, they shared the same burden, the same length of the description in the story. But, Claire had the most attention in the story. So, maybe it’s Claire. I don’t know. After reading it for a while, I mean, I had covered ¾ of the book, then only I had the curiosity to know how’s it gonna end. So, yesterday, I was really into the book. I felt the urge to finish it off so that I can move on to the next book on the rack. So, that’s basically how I get the motivation to finish reading the book.

After I had finally reached the last page of the book, I must say, I was really disappointed with the ending. The story ended with all the main characters sitting around a campfire and talked nonsense. There’s no specific detail or any detail at all of what happened to the criminals. Were they arrested by the police? Or, were they killed and buried in the ranch by the main characters. I had no idea at all because it was not told in the book! I liked things to end in a fair way, whereby, the criminals did not get away for everything that had done because they're freaking evil and bad, they're villain, what do you expect? But the book did not tell me what happened to them! It's freaking frustrating. I wanted to know whether they had received the equal punishment for what they did. Browning Hammond killed his own grandfather kot! I must say, I was  very disappointed with how it ended. 


What really made me attracted so much to the book is that, the book has a hard cover. Unlike any other novels that I have read. Even the paper used for the book felt special to me. Even though the book is thick, with the hard cover, I think people would probably be mistaken it to be a thin version of a dictionary, but, it is not heavy at all. It is so light-weighted which I like because I carried it around my house most of the time. Since I carried it around, I must say, I continued reading it. I just kept reading words by words. Without knowing, I had reached the 100th page of the book for only one day. To me, that's amazing. You can't possibly expect me to read the first 100th page of the book if I told you the book is freaking boring to me! 

I may be a little bit bias because I sometimes compared the book with the book that I had read from Dan Brown and James Patterson, but this book is definitely dull. If you want to read it, go ahead. But I am not recommending this book. But to the people who use English as a second language or are still learning the language, this book is recommended. Because it gives you extra vocabulary like the name of the animals that they used in the book for example antelope. I never heard the word before and if not for this book, I wouldn’t have searched for the word. The level of the language used here quite difficult. My younger sister said she couldn’t understand the book but she could read James Patterson novel very well. The words are not easy but hey, it’s a challenge for those who want to learn English. 

Let’s say you are too busy to be bothered to look for the word in the dictionary, here’s a way that I always used while reading English novel. I DID NOT use dictionary at all. I just used Google Translate and Google Images. Trust me, it’s way easier than to look for the words in the dictionary. So, good luck.

Please remember that this is only MY opinion. I am not an expert but as a reader, this is what I think about the book. So don't get mad at me cuz this is the book from your favourite author, I am just stating my opinion. Good day.


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