tips on how to like the job you hate instead of quitting

sometimes we are given with choices. sometimes we made the wrong choices. sometimes we don't have a choice at all. 

but when we have made a choice, and there's no chance of turning back, we just gotta make the best out of it. let me be more specific. for example, like myself, i made a choice of becoming a teacher because i wanted to fulfil my parent's wish, which is me, being a teacher. but then after all the years that i had been in teacher training college and my first practical as a teacher, i found that, i didn't have the talent to be a teacher. in some cases, talent may works wonderfully for you. but when you don't have a talent, you just need to work hard. that is all. 

i have told you before that i had a thought of quitting. but looking back, the years, it's gonna be such a waste if i quit. so i continued. i continued to find that i didn't like this profession. it gave me headache and the kids were super annoying and naughty and i couldn't handle them. it was giving me a stress. but i hold on and continued staying here, as a future teacher. 

yesterday, i met someone who said that she has a master and yet she's still here doing things that she doesn't like because she has to. we are all like that, aren't we? 

to grow up in an environment where elder's opinion are solely important (in some cases), it was not easy to make a choice in life on your own. but if you don't make a decision on your own, you'll never grow up. you are always protected. who's job is that to protect you, your parents. don't blame them. when you are a parent yourself, you'll know how much it hurts to see your children falling to pieces. 

but parents, a little bit of freedom won't hurt. :) *wonder what kind of parent i'll turn out to be.

my point is, when you are stuck in life like this, you just have to like it no matter what. how are you gonna do that if from the moment of waking up you're already thinking of all the negative things about your work/job/studies? 

start off with your mind. say things like, i love my job or i enjoy teaching. repeat it like 10 to 999 times if it's gonna make more sense. 

find things you love the most about your job. take a moment to stop and look around. maybe it's your desk you love the most. maybe it's writing a journal everyday about the kids you love the most. there has got to be something! 

i know, it's hard. you just need to try. or else you'll be stressed and that the last thing you want in your life. 

for me, i found myself really enjoying watching the little kids especially year 1 and 2 students. they are so cute!! i love everything about them. they may not be listening to you but with the pure hearts that they have, they won't be upset for a long period of time. you just need to cheer them up and tell them jokes or tell them stories. they love that the most. 

yes. i wish to teach them one day. but for now, i am teaching Year 5 students and trust me, they barely listen to me. plus, i need to speak English with them cuz I am an English teacher and they can hardly understand me and of course it frustrates me the most.. it was so hard sometimes. 

but these kids, you just need to do a little bit of reasoning and observation and also, some other hard works there's no need to mention. i always felt relieved after i got to get out from the class. this fasting month is even worse. my throat hurt due to the yelling i did because they're not listening to me. 

but i tell myself, it's going to be ok. and the thing i should be doing from now on is, look back at myself, reflecting, and put on suggestion on how to improve myself. instead of changing others, it is easier to change my own self isn't it? 

being an intern as a teacher, you can't imagine the work load unless you experience it yourself. i am lacking right now and i stole some time to write this entry for my blog but i really need to. there are so many thoughts going on my mind right now and one of them is this. i'll be crazy if i didn't write any of these thoughts down. 

find something that you love about your job and you won't feel like dragging  your feet to go to work. :) 

good luck with this idea. try it and you'll love it. 


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