BYE BYE 2014

Farewell 2014.
Can’t believe how fast the time flies. 2014 was my final year to be in Ipoh. I still remember the moment when I was feeling nervous about our three months practicum. I still remember being nervous about doing action research. A lot of things happened during 2014. The memories I shall treasure for the rest of my life. Or maybe it’ll rest in this blog so one day I’ll read all of it again.

2014 was the year I went to school as a teacher trainee for a long period of time. A lot of memories happened during that time. I had a good time with my housemates. I had a good time having the room to myself. I had a good time of shopping with friends at tesco. At that time, Tesco was our favourite place to go to when we’re bored. At night we would order food from shiron cuz she’s the first one to feel hungry. I still remember calling McD at night because all of us were hungry and too lazy to go out but our house rent was out of reach, so we didn’t get to eat McD at that time.

I still remember going to school as early as 6.30 a.m. and shouting at Hanim cuz we’re getting late. I still remember the time when I woke up really late and ended up speeding on the way to school. I still remember laughing and had fun on our way to school back and forth. I remember the pakcik who sold nasi lemak on our way to school. It was really delicious. We didn’t really like it to go to the school canteen and eat cuz it’s freaking expensive and the meal wasn’t really good.

Well, I had my time there, at the school for three months. It was a busy moment. Lesson plan, teaching aids, assignments, observations. It was tiring. Luckily we met two great teachers whom we’re still in contact to laugh and listen to their stories. Sometimes we even went to their house. Still remember we were sleeping in her house and went to school together, cooked meal together even went to a waterfall when no one’s there because it’s near the teacher’s neighbourhood. It was fun. Even though we couldn’t wait to finish our practicum days, we still had fun.

Of course I remember the day I followed him to a convoy with his fellow club members. We went to the beach, and had an awesome day. Me. Just being with him. The day I really had a conversation with Fatin and Ara. They’re good. I love hanging out with them. I remember when we arrived late at Ipoh, really late, like 1a.m. or something and the next morning I had to go to school in taiping. I still remember I had to sleep for only two hours and woke up at around 4am because I needed to go to school in taiping. I got ready and drove alone! Early in the morning. Just because I couldn’t miss school.

I remember the time when I had to extract my wisdom tooth. The day I mistook the appointment. It was haywire. But I managed to go through the miserable day of going back and forth to Taiping. I still remember that day when I brought two friends over to Penang and accompany me to extract my wisdom tooth. They went to my house and then we went to Penang Art Street and had awesome day there. Then we travelled back to Taiping. It was a half day trip and we’re all freaking tired by the time we arrived Taiping.

Can’t believe I still remember the time when our house owner abruptly opened our house door because we didn’t lock the gate. We were jumping from shock because we didn’t have our aurat covered. Haha. So funny at that time. There was also one time when he knocked on the wooden door so hard and we hid at the kitchen because we’re too afraid to open up the door and listened to his scolding. Luckily Hanim saved us that day. She went out and faced the owner.

Then we’re all too busy completing the proposal that needed to be submitted. Without us knowing, we’re sitting on exam and then we had three weeks holiday and new semester had begun.

Not sure how long we did we have for classes before we went out for our internship. It was fasting month. It was a very tiring moment for us. We went to Taiping again and wishing to complete our internship as soon as possible. Man, we had a terrible argument with our mentor about our program for internship. She wanted us to do English based activity when what others could do was just handling Nuzul Quran project. Then we started the reading project and it was terribly done. Really. We needed to gather as much as possible the materials and we needed to laminate it. But we had fun doing it. But with our mural project, we got a lot of help from the teachers. Really. I wonder how they look now in school.

Of course I remember we stayed back because we wanted to finish the project before raya. In the evening we would go to the bazaar Ramadhan nearby. I still remember how I was super addicted to takoyaki sold by two young men at the bazaar. Freaking crazy. Always wondering what food to buy and ended up buying quite a lot of food that I didn’t even finish.

Day by day, and we finished with our project and also our action research, it’s time to go back to Ipoh and saying goodbye. The warmth given by the school staff and teachers and also the students, I can never forget. Thank you so much, SK Kg Boyan for such an awesome treatment to us. Never been so much fun going to school before but when we entered this school, it’s such a happy place.

After a while, we were busy submitting our report. Then we were freaking out about VIVA. Even though I didn’t get high score for my AR but, what the heck. Then VIVA was over. For a while we thought we could relax. Nope. We were wrong. There was an interview coming around from SPP. Man, we’re freaking out again. We read all the book and really tried our best. I remember being asked a question that was truly unexpected. Me and Leen were asked what would we do if we’re posted to the same school when we have the same name tag? I was super nervous I couldn’t answer the question and leen saved our lives that day. Thank you so much Leen.

Then the interview was over. We had a good time before examinations. We had our Nostalgia night when all of us were dressing up and girls who never wore makeup started to ask for a mascara and some black liner to use that night. I had a fun time with my housemate where we took hell lot of pictures. I still haven’t do an update about that night. Then we’re having examinations and since we only had three papers, it wasn’t that bad. But still, all of us were too lazy to read. My room mate who were super hardcore when it comes to examinations, didn’t even finish reading when they entered the exam hall. Freaking lazy to read. There’s this mood that you didn’t feel like having an exam and since it’s your last paper and it’s your final year, you didn’t want to read you just want to have fun. Maybe it’s just me who felt that way. Lol.

Then we had another awesome night with our lecturers as a farewell. Shidah even brought a guitar and we sang together that night. Can’t believe mira offered to sing in front when she’s the one who always hid behind and refused to talk in front of the crowd. But she did well though. We had an awesome day. And after, me and mira even joined udin and akmal for a karaoke time. We had so much fun that night.

Then we started to part ways. At first, aala was leaving us. Then it was my turn. I had one last look at the house that I lived for two years. Such great memories. I left Ipoh and all the bitterness feelings there. I mean, living in Ipoh wasn’t that bad. I had good time and also bad time. After all, it was all part of growing up. If it didn’t happen, I will never found me. And with that, I am happy and thankful for it to happen.

At home, I had a super awesome moment with my siblings and parent. We laughed, we teased, we watched movies together, we helped dad with chores, we helped mom, mostly, we had fun. I love being here. With my sisters, talked to them before sleep and do so much things with them. Soon, my sister is going back to her school and I’ll miss her. Maybe another two weeks I’ll see her again.

All in all, 2014 was a busy and yet I had such a wonderful time. Even though misfortunes happened to Malaysian especially with MH370 and MH17, and also the massive flood. Even though my house was not affected I truly sympathized with the victim who had lost houses and some, their family members. I hope 2015 will bring new light and new hope to all of us to be stronger and to appreciate more about what we have now. Never take things for granted. Again.

I wish you all Happy New Year. (hope it’s not TOO LATE)


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