School Story #2

so a friend of mine is a 'mamak'. she is teaching English, just like me. but she has to teach the last class of year 5. i think the students in this class are very special. even though they never listen to you, and never understand what you're teaching, and no matter how much scold them, the next day, they will go back to you, and love you. i love to enter the classroom even though each and every one of them has different personalities and styles. sometimes it will give you a headache. 

so this class, is very comfortable with my friend and i. 

one day, a student, asked my friend, 

"teacher, teacher mesti orang penang, kan?"

"kenapa cakap teacher orang penang pulak?"

"sebab teacher hitam manis. orang penang kan hitam manis."



i wasn't aware that orang penang ni hitam manis. hahahahaha.. 



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