
it must be hard on him too, i guess. 

because every time i got an invitation to a wedding, i would say stuff to him like, when is it gonna be my turn? i am tired of waiting. why can't i have that? 

and he kept telling me to be patient, with everything. 

as a boyfriend who would always fulfill everything i need and want, it must've been hard for him as well, because everytime the topic was brought up, he has nothing else to say other than telling me to be patient with him. 

the condition that his mother gave him is, for him to be working first. 

and that is like impossible for him. as, he has to finish his studies first. 

i didn't mind waiting as it gives me time to be with myself first. although at times it was really really hard to stay away from him. 

i guess, he must've felt hopeless and just hoping that i am willing to wait for him. 

p/s: i am not desperate to be married, i am just saying. 

it's nice to see everyone working hard for their wedding and all. 

i guess, there is still time for me to wonder about myself before being a wife, before being a mom. haha.. 


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