
when i traveled back with my friends heading towards KL, my dad called me halfway and said, 'sekolah kat selangor tutup esok.' and i got myself one day of holiday due to the haze. 

the traffic was not that bad except for certain places, but i managed to stop halfway and got some sleepy because the night before i didn't get enough sleep, and then we exited the highway and i met him halfway and he brought me and my friend to a famous place to have our lunch. it was so delicious and i am glad that i met him halfway. luckily my friend was fine with that. :) 

anyway, after i reached Ampang, and my friend cleaned herself in my house, when her boyfriend picked her, i went out alone, feeling really stress which i couldn't write it in this blog. so i tried reaching out to friends and one suggested that i hang out at the old town restaurant. so i went there, got myself a hot tea and a macaroni soup and i did felt really really really lonely and i cried there, alone. haha. seems pathetic but i rather cried there and left my feelings there instead of being grumpy all the way. 

after that, i headed to my pakcik's house at Bukit Beruntung and i had awesome days there. i really did. and it really felt super good to be around your family. the warmth. it did made me release my tension. 

and so the next day went out as usual except for there were tons of works to do. i was super busy and every time i reached to my house, i felt extremely exhausted and i ended up not doing my work. 

at school, it was super busy and i barely had the time to rest and eat. but i guess i still don't do much works as my friend, Rashidah. i still have lots of free time probably because i am procrastinating my work which i am darn good at. 



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