kisah mak

I went to aeon big last night with my family. Half of it anyway.

The thing I love so much about aeon big at my place here in Penang is they always have clearance book sale. And the books are only rm5! Freaking cheap. For novel lovers like me.

So I bought two books and the genre I have always picked is action thriller. Where it mostly involves killings, kidnapping,and mysteies.

This morning, my mom saw the books I bought and she asked me about the books. Here goes our coversation.

Mom: kak,buku apa kau beli?
Me: action thriller. Ada bunuh-bunuh, culik.
Mom: laaa.. mak pon suka baca buku macam tu.
Me: haa, amik la baca.
Mom: hotak hang. (Lol) mak tak paham pon!


Mom is just so funny. 


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