Bloody closed road

Wahhh.bloody annoying lah.. They closed the road, the only road i know to reach that place. I was turning round and round kl thinking howwww lahh to go to that place. Lastly i decided to park hell far from the place i wanted to go because i had no choice. I had to cross two main bloody busy road to get to my car. I was lucky this morning the traffic wasnt so bad, just wait until this afternoon. It will get worst and worst! I was cursing in the car because they closed the road. Bloody angry. Since i havent been walking in a long distance so much,i feel like my legs are cramping right now. Man i am angry. I thought i was late and i hate being late. That is why i am cursing and i have nobody to ask. I couldnt stop in the middle of the road and block the other cars just because i wanted to ask question to the police officer can i? And if i can find a ppace to park my car then i wouldnt be wanting to ask the police anymore cuz it is a waste of time that i should just walk to the place. Goshhhhhhh.. I am furious! This situation really made me angry and hungry at the same time!


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