Kisah ayu aziz

Kisah ayu aziz. I am nobody to her. Like tak kenal pun.

She chose to put her personal life for public to read. Which is i have nothing against that. Dia punya keputusan. It is her decision. 

At first people sympathized with her. Yelah. Sebab kes suami pukul isteri then took her son away from her.

Salah siapa?

I have no idea. Sebab things happened for a reason. I always believed in that. 

Orang sekarang dah jadi judgemental. They think they have a right to tell people what to do. The looooveee giving advices. But when people dont follow the advices given they stay away. Come on.  Really?

Then ayu decided utk berbaik semula dgn suami dia and people went frantic because of this.

Kenapa? Kenapa kau nak sangat ayu tu bercerai dgn suami dia? Yes. Dia buat salah. He knew that. He is ready to change.

Orang kutuk dia dengan teruk i guess. Sampai dia boleh post stuff like that on fb.

Tell u what people, biarlah. Tu keputusan dia. Tu kehidupan dia. Why do u want to be a God in her situation?

Kau takkan faham selagi kau tak rasa apa yg ayu rasa sebijik sebijik. Every second.  She may described it and u already felt like you are in her shoes but NO YOU ARE NOT. so you dont judge her. Dont tell her what to do. I am sure she knows best. I really do think parents should be together in raising a child. I have witnessed how messed up children can be when their parents are separated.  It is not right for them. 

So ayu aziz, i give u my support.

With all my heart, 
Amalina ahmad


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