
assalamualaikum wbt. 

yesterday was a wonderful day to me. because my husband did a surprise for me. we went out last night and celebrated my birthday with my husband and his friends. i thought he wanted to go back home late at night, at 12. but then while i was waiting in the car he got into the car and we went back home early. 

before we went to sleep he wished for my birthday and then both of us slept right away. waking up this morning he drove to our house cuz he had a meeting and then i drove to Ampang and went straight away to the clinic. 

because i wanted to do the pink book for the baby. 

soon as i went to the clinic, met the nurses. she said i wasnt supposed to do the book there. gosh... then i went to the clinic mentioned and it turned out i can't do the book that day because it was already late. i cried because i supposed to go to school. i cried in the car so much because i was so stressed. i cried and was very emotional. i was alone and i felt like it was really really hard. called a friend of mine and cried to her and rant to her. and then i went to other clinic because i was worried about my baby. since i was too stressed. 

it might harm the baby. 

so i went to this clinic and asked the doctor to check my blood pressure and it turned out low. 

so the doctor gave me an mc. and i got to see our baby. 

he/she was moving and the doctor even found it hard to freeze the screen. and his/her heart was beating and it was so fun and exciting to watch. 

i gotta say, i love this little person inside of me. it makes me happy to watch this little person grows more and more, bigger and bigger. oh yeah, he/she is way bigger than before. i could see his backbone very clearly. during the scan, my baby was upside down. the head was down and both of the legs were up and they were kicking. can't wait to kiss all the little toes. i love my baby so much. 

thank you Allah for giving me this opportunity to feel and experience this amazing journey. 


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