22 05 2017

22nd May 2017

I went out early from my mother in law's house because I needed to stop by at my aunt's house in Bukit Beruntung. I was having a slight diarrhea at that moment. even my friend was saying, it wasn't gonna be long till the baby's arrival. so, i was okay and from that moment on i was pretty much aware of what was going on with my body. 

so my aunt cooked this delicious meal but sadly it was too spicy. i ate it anyway because my aunt is a great cook. then i went to the clinic to check my blood pressure and everything, and the nurse was pretty mad at me because i came in late. so, everything went well for that day except for i had been feeling a little discomfort around my stomach area. i even went to the toilet quite a couple of time but nothing came out. 

during my last class, the pain was becoming more severe. but i was still able to drive home and took bath. yes. i did went to the toilet and pooped and of course, it was in liquid form as i said before i was having diarrhea. then i started to look at the time of the pain and it came for a while and went away. i didn't know what it was so i called my mom and she suggested me to go to the clinic first instead of the hospital. 

so, i did take her advice and my roommate drove me there. she was panicking because i was in pain. so we went to azizah's clinic but sadly the doctor was not able to scan my stomach and the receptionist there asked me to go straight away to the hospital. but i didn't, of course. me and my stubbornness. anyway, we went to another clinic, and the doctor did check me down there but she said the baby's head was still a finger away and i was not in labour yet. she diagnosed me with infected urinal and was given an mc and medicine. so we went straight home after that. note: the pain was still there. 

soon as i arrived, i went to the toilet, again, and this time around, i vomited and was having diarrhea for don't know how many times already. the stomach pain was still around and i didn't know what to do but all i could remember was i need to eat my medicine .so i went downstairs and made myself a hot milo. i only took a sip of it and my stomach went crazy again. so i didn't finish my milo and took my medicine upstairs. before i even went upstairs, the pain came again and i had to stop to ease the pain. then it went away, and i climbed upstairs. i ate one date and drank plain water. then i started to feel the stomach grumbling again, so i went to the toilet, and guess what, while sitting down, i was vomiting water and the date i just ate. it was unbearable and i thought i was gonnna be dehydrated, so i  asked my roommate to take me to the hospital. 

we went to the patient assessment centre, but the nurse there sent me to the ER. she didn't hear me when i said i was at my 38 weeks. she was claiming i was at 35 weeks which is crazy. even in my pink book there was clearly written when was i due. maybe she was sleepy and tired because there were quite a number of patients there. but then the doctor in charged in the ER claimed i was having contractions which i didn't know because the pain came for a bit, then it went away. 

so he sent me back to the PAC, and there i was asked to change my uniform and i was having such a terrible time there. luckily my roommate was around and she did great taking care of me. but still, the doctor claimed i was at my 35 weeks. i did ask the nurse why was the calculation like that but the nurse said i did a mistake in calculating. i was in pain anyway so i swallowed everything. 

at the PAC i was given a dexa shot. it was really painful. the way down there was only 2cm and the doctor at the PAC diagnosed me with pre term labour. so i was warded and my roommate took care of everything for me that night. 

so there was the story of how i got myself into the hospital for that day. 


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