
Often we think when we get married, everything will fall to its place like a piece of puzzle that fits to a picture. But nope. I hate to break you this but marriage is more than that. Sometimes you will come across a broken vase, or a torn puzzle and you keep wondering is this how it is supposed to be?

The answer is YES!

You dont always agree with your partner. And that is when communication comes in. You learn to tolerate, discuss the problems and find solutions. All these processes you have to go through in order for both of you to grow up. 

And it is not that easy. That is why all you see in dramas are plates flying across the floor. 

My marriage is like that as well, skipping the flying plates of course. 

At times we argue and we just couldn't stand to be in each other's sight. That is why both of us need the 'me' time. And today, i was upset with my husband because he didn't listen to what i was gonna share with him. So through out the day, I hadn't eaten at all. And what made my heart breaks even more was e was gonna go out with his friends and he went! Leaving me with our baby alone in the house. 

I thought he would be back at 2 or 3 a.m. when he usually does. But he returned home before midnight which was a surprise. A pleasant one. 

And he brought back food as well! He knew i wouldn't eat.. and just by that my emotions went away and i was and am filled with happiness. Gone away was the sadness. 

And i thank Allah for giving me the greatest husband i could ask for. Alhamdulillah


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