Just life

It's 3.50 am and I am wide awake. I wanted to go back to sleep but couldn't. My stomach is growling. Breastfeeding is a serious issue I'm telling you. It gets me hungry all the time. Back then I didn't eat as much but now, I feel like I had triple the amount of food intake.

Being a mommy is no joke. There is no break from being a mommy. Even if I am at work, I'll still be thinking about my baby and I would ask his sitter about him.

 This month is just a crazy month for all the teachers. As we're closing up the year, lots and lots of things to be done. Marking exam papers, filling it in the website, streaming classes, report cards, and many more. As I am the AJK of textbook we're even busier as pupils are required to return their textbooks and getting new ones ready for next year. Not to mention the hari anugerah thingy. It gets even tougher at work when the administrator making up new rules. As the serving people like us i guess we'll just have to follow the orders even if I feel like rebelling because it's just plain ridiculous. Here is an example of a ridiculous rule. We need to put the register book before 3 pm. Actually it's not really ridiculous lah. It's just because I am too used to doing it at the end of the day and put them in the office before punching out. But since the office is now changed to a bloody far far away kingdom, they had to lock the office at 5. Yelahhh lots of things inside that could go missing. They haven't moved the CCTV which was at the old office. I truly hope they'll be doing that soon enough.

Well that's work.

I feel like my English has just gone berkarat already probably because I haven't read good materials in ages. I can't focus on reading while I breastfeed. And do you know how many times he wants to be breastfed? Lots of times. If I didn't pull out, he'll probably take all night to drink. Lol. No wonder the nurse said he is quite heavy.

I am still debating whether to go back to sleep or to wake up and do my work. I need to do my lesson plan till the end of the year. 


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