Prenancy no 2

Morning. It’s dawn. I haven’t been writing much. I know. Today after watching a video from my favourite blogger I just feel like writing.

I am now 3 months pregnant. Alhamdulillah. To be honest with this pregnancy I feel like everything is moving so slow. I want to fast forward the time if I could. Compared to previous pregnancy my life now is going as slow as it can be probably because I don’t have any anticipations like previously my husband and I lived apart so I was very looking forward for the weekend. It was full of activities and anticipations. This time, now that we have been living together weekend just means more time spent in bed. Because I was constantly sleepy. Even on weekdays. Especially during the early weeks of pregnancy. I was crazy exhausted due to adjustment in my body and my body is trying to care for the little baby inside of me. It was exhausting thus I was constantly in bed.

This time is a little bit challenging because my son is still breastfeeding and he refused bottles. The past months were horrible. I experienced major back pain and at work I felt like laying down.

I read a lot of tips about weaning off. I probably am not ready for it. I love breastfeeding so much. It is a special bond between me and my son. But i know that i need to make him wean off soon because I am afraid if the little baby wouldn’t be getting the sufficient nutrients it needs from my body. I didnt eat much. Even if i did eat sometimes it came out again. I would be vomitting. That’s why i need to prepare my son to wean off.

I did ask my dear friend how did she do it? Did she feel sad? She said no. Because it bothered her. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

I guess different people feel different when it comes to breastfeeding. I always feel like that the milk belongs to my so.  And if i didnt give it to him, it’s like I am denying his birth rights. I also know that my opinon on this is just another reason for me not to stop breastfeeding. But i really should. Soon. 


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