It’s an acronym for ‘get to know’ party. Nice isn’t it? Well, all thanks to the brilliant people who’s been working for this party. Though it was a very busy day for all the TESLians, me especially, we really enjoyed ourselves that night. We went to the party with a big smile written on our faces just to welcome the juniors. I’m not being hypocrite here, but it’s the truth. Today’s routine was, first, waked up late, as usual, *we are not having early class nowadays*. Then I was preparing myself for the 10.30 class at jPp~~

*to kill a mocking bird* TKAM~~~

*combination of J7 & J8.. check out rose !*

*miss Leong, our most favourite lecturer. she's new but she's great! *


*punya la panjang !! banyak barang beli*
Miss Leong’s class, combined with J8. After that, me and friends, *Eqa n Shiron* went to Tesco. They were so nice to accompany me to buy the food for tonight. Yeah, I’m the person in charged in the food thing. But of course, I am not doing this on my own. I got people to back me up!

*the night!*
Then, it was a very tiring day, I went back to my room and got myself ready for the next class which was at 3.30 until 5.30.. *sigh* tired3… after that I went to cafe to order food for my breaking fast session. Then I went to the Pulako, to get things prepared. We stayed there until 6.30 then we went back to our room. Other class was taking charge of the bbq thing. Luckily! Then, the night came !

We all wore our ELC shirts, including Mr. Lim! Ho yeah ! seeing the others’ preparing the food, I was glad. We were actually in this together. Everyone was cooperating rather well. J then the juniors came and we gave them a very warmth welcome. They had to listen to the speech from the lecturers then we had our food and the most exciting moment was the games! the food was marvelous. I also took some of ridiculous pictures of mine and friends.

*me with naim*
I know I kind of look like as if I am writing a report but, that’s okay. I’m still learning. Say whatever you want lah~ the juniors presented their cheers. I can say that they are very talented and sporting. TRUE ! of course, we had our poisonous balloon games and after that, we had our water balloons time! it’s a fair shot anyways. The seniors were given the opportunity to throw the balloons containing water to the juniors and the juniors were also given the opportunity to throw the balloons to the seniors. See, it’s a fair shot and everyone was really enjoying themselves. Some of the juniors even took the pail and filled it with water and THROW it to the seniors. Wow ! that’s brave dude! After taking over our class, still wanna do that to us huh? Haha, ok! No offense. Just having fun with my writings~~ wekk ! :P

*i'm a supper2 hugger!*

*erk, napa k.zue nanges ea?*

*eyka kong.. beshties?*

*another beshties, Lin, (banyak sunggoh)! cun kan??*

*adegann apa ea? suap menyuap? slamat pengatin baru! heh..*

*saya jambu kan??? ahahahahaha...(bajet macho la abg ni..)*

*ni baru macho skit abg oii....* (wek3... nak muntah!)

*shidah yg sedang merenung masa depan...*

*amenda la diowang nih*

*shiron, skandal ag ka???*

*me vs kyron*

*mc Just*

*seniors juniors*

*fun time*
I really had fun tonight and I almost lost my voice due to screaming so hard when during the water balloons- rain!! Well, welcome juniors and have fun here. Let’s respect each other and just act normal k.
Peace :: no war~~ ehek!
p/s: di bawah adalah gmbar yg x dak kena mengena dgn g2k party keyh! :)

*thinking of you~~~ :)*

*dara pingitan J7.*

* kena tangkap ! (Lokasi, blik 56, ari:jumaat)*
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