hasil karya shiron~ i love it so much dear..

entry ni dicurik dari blog miss shiron, which i love it very much !
thank you my dear~


Sometimes, she is like a mother to me..
ordering me around and taking care of me
Sometimes, she is like a little sister to me..(fyi : i dont have one)
shorter than me and always act like a kid
Sometimes, she is like my sister to me..
giving me guides and know what's inside of me
Sometimes, she is like a teacher to me..
teaching how to live in this life
and other times i feel like she is my counsellor (jgn marah ye am..hehe)
hear me and answering my dumb questions
and most Vital and Important thing of all she is my MOST BELOVED

this one is only dedicated to me, no other than nur amalina ahmad.
there shall be no duplicate of this poem
and it belongs to shiron n me ! ahaks !
menompang nama wey! teehee


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