*swEeT MemOrY*

trip to manjung was funn!! totally awesome ! i love it. during the day, u know, there's talk and i was so boring sitting upstairs and just listen to the talk. the talk was okay but the place, it's kinda didn't match with the occasion. wateva~ lalalalalala... so, i took some pictures. look below...

*aku pegang tangan siapa ya?*

i was actually intended to capture kyron's hand with ring ! haha. n i made it. look at her hand~~~ weee... our hands to make it real. heheheh... romantik x?

*gambar masa dekat gM. depan fitting room. shiron tgh try baju*

me and k.zue was so bored waiting for shiron, so we took this picture. i kinda love it, because during that time, i was putting a smokey eye make up. that one was because i waited for shiron to be ready for such a long time. it's simple, if you know how to do it, and it did not take much of my time actually. but, i am not intended to put this kind of makeup to go to class. HELL NO~

*this picture was captured by hanim at lumut !*

it was an awesome night. i love it. all thanx to shiron for bringing us there. and i love the place where we made such stupid jokes. me and naim, loving couple and all that. er, i don't have that 'loving couple' picture here with me. it's with shiron.

*on our way back to ipoh*

it was a very tiring day. i forgot to tell my roommate that i don't have the room key. she forgot to tell me that she's going to her lecturer's house to break fast there. and i ended up hanging around at shidah's room. i was tired though. but, i did have a nap. on hanim's bed. hihihih.. awesome day~~~ i'll remember this forever~

oh yeah, on our way to go to manjung, we passed UTP, u know what's that rite? all of sudden, my memory and him came again. seeing utp it's like seeing my past with him. my sweet remembrance of him. there's no way i'm going to forget him just like that~~~~~ :)

erk, u guys must be weird rite? since when i entered utp? haha. not me. but him ! ngeee... XD

*so sweet*


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