
tonight i think i like to post an entry about single..

some might not know that i am single.. *hahaha..

isn't it obvious ? :P

well, this entry is NOT to promote myself or what, it's just i want to share why am i still single.
*warghh, gilak poyo ! *

for me, i prefer being single after a hard relationship i faced previously.

it's not a trauma actually, it's just that after broke up, i know myself better! teehee

but that doesn't mean i am a loner !

erk, why everyone else is so scared being called a loner? i think every human being must want their time alone. they must have their own space to be alone. so, is that a loner ?

Ok, back to the topic. the thing is, when you are into a relationship, you have to be really committed into that relationship. you must not hurt your partner and like wise. it's like being committed to marriage. it's just that marriage is another serious thing. n you must truly understand your partner, otherwise, it will create problems like quarrel maybe ?

i agree with the statement, there's no fun in a calm relationship~ people might feel bored easily.

hmm, i might not know well since i'd only committed to relationship for a short time... *any objection please leave at the chat box, thank you~*

when i am single, i think i am free. free to set my eyes on any guy i like.

the reason why i'm saying this is because, i love to look at handsome and cute guys whenever i go. LOL...

seriously, looking at cute guys is the most enjoyable moment to do especially when you are at the mall. i don't want to be stuck to a guy unless it's marriage. marriage is a VERY DIFFERENT thing you know.

when you walk in the mall with your mates, you can't really look at any cute guys can you ? or, maybe your partner allow you to do so and not being jealous! oh, i have to find this kind of guy. ahaks.

most importantly, being single means you can go out with any guy you like~~ awww! i mean as a friend. wat's a big deal ? some partner might not allow their mates to go out with different sex friends....

people after break-up will surely feel lonely as they have no one to talk to like they always did. but actually, there are many things you can do instead of sitting and smiling in front of you phone or laptop. :)

well, that's only my opinion. some might not agree with this. some might~

p/s: you can leave objection or maybe some supporting details on the chat box. i would appreciate that. thanx~~ :)

act, me being single does not mean i am available. *wink2

i might accept it when any guy says he would like to get to know me.

i'll accept them as a friend, nothing more than that.

when i am ready to be committed into the relationship thing called marriage, i'll look forward to any guy interested. haha. *going insane already


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