a night i must remember !

hey yall

i just decided to write this since i talked about this matter to my friend just now.

i went to this program, "jom ke desa" located at kg sungai sumun, bagan datoh, perak!

at first, i felt so happy to be able joining this program since i had finished my exams and got nothing to do in college. i was so happy when i got my adopted mother though i was alone being adopted, no partner. pretty nervous at first. but it turned out to be quite well. i was being treated like princess along the program by my adopted mother. well, maybe not like princess but i was going to say that i was treated well and warm heartedly by the whole family. not a problem to me.

then, we have this culture night, (malam kebudayaan). this is the night i must not forget!

what happened was, my adopted mother and i came late, then there was no table for us to sit together. but my adopted mother was able to find her seat. single seat actually, not for both of us. then, there's another person saying, we're not only allowed to sit with our adopted family only, you can sit anywhere you like as long as it's empty.

so, since my mother already got her place, i had to find my own then. so, we're sharing this table with my friend's adopted mother. but her mother ask me to call my mother so we could sit together. but my mother already got her place with her friends, and since even the table we're about to sit was already full, so i refused to ask my mother to sit with me. i was afraid that she might not feel comfortable with little space to sit. then i turned around to find a chair and then i heard the most shocking comment ever that makes me sad the whole night.

she commented to her daughters saying about me like this, "anak tak mengenang jasa mak !". in english i would translate it as "irresponsible daughter for leaving her mother". i was in shocked! how could she say that? was it my fault for making her comfortable? i tried to ignore the comment and sat happily with my friends. but then, this mother really loved my friend. every time i talked to my friend, she would try to start a new conversation with her. she's like, stealing my friend and making my friend not to talk to me.

can u imagine how i feel? then we talked among us in english so that this mother would not understand us. haha. padan muka. it's because we talked about this annoying girl, my friend's adopted sister. she's really annoying. i'll tell you later about her.

then, it was Jawa's tradition to have men dressed up in ghost costume. n i was scared to death! so i ran away to sit with my other friends. it was also an attempt to run away from that mother. then the man in costume tried to approach the crowd. i was really scared to death to see the ugly face and the ugly hair plus white bloody cloth he's wearing. so i hid behind my friend's back since she's already used to this. according to her, also a jawanese, this thing is common among the jawanese. then the ghostly man went away. i was able to sit and chat with my friends again.

when i was telling my friend, udin, about previous mother, i was already about to cry. my tears already filled up my eyes. but i was able to held it. it didn't run through my cheeks.

then, a friend of mine, came. named haziq. omg. this moment, i hate him the most.. he showed me the picture of the ghostly man!!! n i pushed away his hand and without my conscious, i started to cry. a very loud cry! hahah, padan muke ko haziq. wat aku nanges lagi. huhu..

through the night, there were performances but it didn't entertain me at all. i was so hungry but i already lost my appetite because of the incidents that had happened to me previously.

this is the night which i must not forget and must remember. this is the night where i hold my anger and not doing anything to the woman. if she's one of my friends, i believe she'll hear unbearable harsh words from me. luckily, she's a stranger i want to avoid and i don't want to see her ever again !

before i forget, about this annoying girl. she's an adopted sister of friend of mine. she's really annoying and she's really huge! she's only in standard 5. since i am small, she bullied me. can't believe 11 years old girl could bully me, 19 years old girl. i would rather say she has no manner at all!

guess what she's trying to do, when i hugged my friend, her adopted sister, MJ, she tried to push me away. and what was more annoying, she tried to push me so that i'll fall onto a boy! well, two boys actually. see how annoying she was? luckily i was able to hold my anger and i ran away from her. i really felt like i wanted to slap her and let her know some respects to the elders. stupid girl! dammit. i don't wanna see her ever again, and i hope i wont find this kind of students in my life, and if i were to meet such girl, i swear, i won't let her get away with this. i'll teach her some MANNERS!


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