
Showing posts from 2011

dah breakfast?

assalamualaikum wbt.. selamat pagi semua ! dah breakfast? makan apa? nasi lemakkk? *telan air liur kejap. sedap la kalau dapat nasi lemak. tapi tapi tapii yang merantau macam saya ni, mesti sarapan milo cicah biskut je kan? ehh, takk? oh, korang ada kenderaan and korang tak main la breakfast milo cicah biskut nih, ye dak? mana ada kelas gituw. =.='' sob sob sob. di pagi hari di bumi ipoh ni, saya dengan perut yang lapar nak mengisytiharkan bahawa saya sangat malas nak masak supaya perut yang tengah buat konsert heavy metal dengan dasyatnya dapat diisi dengan makanan agar ianya penuh dan tidak lagi mengganggu tuan punya badan.. mesti korang tak dapat nak imagine kan kan kan? *aktiviti menulis blog tergendala dengan kehadiran lipas-iaitu-serangga-yang-amat-ditakuti-oleh-penulis-blog-ini.* maaf yer, ada iklan racun serangga lak tadi. fuh fuh.. busuk bau racun. pagi-pagi lagi dah sedut yang bukan-bukan. anyway, saya dengan berjayanya mengangkat *?* diri saya untuk k...

tahniah dan good luck ^.^

assalamualaikum wbt.  penah tak rasa bila korang jawab exam and study teramat bersungguh-sungguh kemudian dapat result yang tak seberapa? then, korang tengok result kawan-kawan, semuanya hebat-hebat. aduh, kecewa nya hati. rasa nak renyuk-renyuk ja kertas result tu. kan kan kan?  tipu lah kalau cakap aku tak pernah rasa semua tu. memang pernah. lebih-lebih lagi bila sahabat kita dapat result yang kemain gojes lagi sampai bersinar-sinar muka dia satu hari or dua hari or seminggu. oh, jelesh! dan mula lah muka nak menunjukkan masam kalah limau tak masak dan tak mau senyum langsung sampai budak-budak tengok muka pun boleh nanges. then tak makan selama seminggu. (yang ni bukan aku yer)  tak lama lepas tu, aku terfikir balik. tak payah la nak bersedih sebab aku naik satu tangga ja sedangkan orang naik lift sampai kat penthouse sudah. orang lain tu bukannya orang lain. erkk? i mean, diorang tu kawan-kawan kita jugakk kan? sepatutnya kita bangga and gembira da...

saya suka ramai orang! :)

macam mana laki boleh suka dekat 2 3 perempuan, macam tu la jugak perempuan. dia juga boleh suka dekat 2 3 laki at the same time. (my friend said this) betul ke? haha.. hati cakap betul ja. kejap-kejap suka kat orang ni, kejap-kejap suka kat orang lain pulak. macam-macam betul. kejap-kejap suka kat artis korea sampai malam-malam pun nak tidur dengan harapan dapat bertemu dengan artis tersebut. dan kejap-kejap juga tersuka dekat budak maktab.. =.='' dan macam-macam kejap lah... tapi of course la for me, yang kekal lama sikit tu tetap seorang ja. mana boleh nak samakan suka dua bulan dengan suka selama 4 tahun. kan kan kan? :) peace no war~

resipi roti bakar berserta cheese yang cair ala-ala pizza hut

assalamualaikum wbt...  pagi tadi, eh bukkann, tengah hari tadi ada kawan mesej, gitau dia nanges. "haktuih, menangis pun nak bagitau." mesti korang akan cakap camni kan? tapi lau tak takpe la. FYI, kitorang memang camni. suka bagitau sesama sendiri small matters. orait, berbalik kepada cita tadi. so, saya pun bertanya la kepada kawan ni, *tetiba jadi baik dan sopan plus ayu gituw* "kenapa menangis pulak?" nak tau tak apa jawapan dia? ha, nak tau tak??? meh nak gitau.. dia jawab: "sebab lapar..."  =.=''  tak pasal-pasal kawan saya dapat habuan gelak ketawa daripada saya. kesian dia. oh, sungguh kawan yang tak dak hati perut.. sorry yer darling, tapi serious rasa kelakar.  dengan rasa penuh simpati meluap-luap dari usus besar hingga anak tekak, saya pun bertanya,  "makanan lain takde ke? roti ke?" "takde. da abis. mak taknak beli bekalan makanan sebab takde orang sangat kat rumah ni yang nak maka...

Adik guwa dan result PMR. tahniah!

assalamualaikum wbt.. Semalam result PMR diumumkan. Tingat zaman dulu kala masa nak amik keputusan..  Tapi, ini bukanlah kisah aku, tapi kisah adik aku.  My sister~ Tahniah eh beb! :) Keputusan dia bukanlah seperti yang diharapkan. Aku sendiri pun terkejut dengan keputusan dia. Sebab kalau nak compare kesungguhan antara aku masa PMR dulu dengan dia, dia sangat-sangatlah bersungguh-sungguh. Boleh kata tiap-tiap malam bukak buku. Aku? haha. No no no... (Sungguh menjadi contoh tak baik depan adik-adik) T.T *Aku penah ponteng kelas cikgu ganti sebab cikgu tu bekenan kat budak-budak laki ja. Dengan erti kata lain, dia berat sebelah. Menyampah betul aku setiap kali dia masuk kelas n setiap kali tu jugak lah aku ngan kawan-kawan lepak kat library. Tapi nasib baik Sains aku dapat A jugak. Jahat gila aku dulu-dulu. Sekarang ja dah baik sikit. :)  Adik aku dapat 5A. Tapi aku tau dia keceewwwaaaa sangat-sangat sebab punah lah harapan dia nak masuk sekolah lam...

World of Thoughts

feel free to stop by at   WORLD OF THOUGHTS.  thank you. 

mosquitoes also known as nyamuk!

assalamualaikum wbt n peace upon all..  guess what? what? =.=''     it's almost 2am and I still have not gone to sleep, well, yet.. it's all because of the busy traffic in my college's website because i want to check my result. (cewwah, kolej konon) i cannot go through the website.  whenever I am online at this hour, there will be lots of mosquitoes and i have been the most proactive mosquitoes' killer at all time! perhaps you do not have the same problem with me. but for the first time in my life, i wish there is a frog beside me that could eat up all the f-ing mosquitoes. yes!!!! i said it..  rasa macam nak ja bela katak sekor biar dia telan suma nyamuk-nyamuk yang sewenang-wenangnya hisap darah aku dan mengganggu aku online sahaja sebab ketidakselesaan yang diberikan secara percuma. oh ku tak rela hidup sebegini for the next hour. suma gara-gara musim hujan. (eceh, salahkan hujan pulak) padahal aku yang malas nak pi telangkupkan segala habita...

adik oh adik

assalamualaikum wbt.  masih lagi terperuk di rumah. cuti yang ada nak digunakan untuk bercuti sepuas-puasnya sebelum balik nangis-nangis pi ipoh. =.='' exaggeration melampau. tak nangis pon, sebak ja. sapa tak sebak nak tinggal pemily?  bila duduk umah ni, macam-macam ragam ada. maklumla, adik beradik ramai. walau tak dak la sampai boleh buat kampung, tapi ramai gak la untuk membuatkan rumah ni tak pernah paham erti senyap. >.< kalau dulu, masa adik baby lagi, suma orang bangun awal gila sebab nak tengok muka baby comey mengeliat-ngeliat depan bijik mata. tapi sekarang, haha, baby dah tak jadik baby lagi dah. baby dah besar. dah umur 4 tahun dah. dah boleh menjawab segala habuk yang orang cakap. dan menyebabkan satu rumah gelak besar sebab dia.  contohnya kes yang baru berlaku tadi, * saja nak report * si adik menyuruh kakaknya buatkan roti. oh memang adik paling mengada-ngada dan manja dalam dunia! si adik yang berumur 4 tahun ni menyuruh kakaknya macam panglima...

Brighten up your day fellas ! :)

Here's a quote to brighten up your day today.  taken from dodinsky  have a nice day! :) 

cute little dongsaeng

the moment which i will miss the most when i am not at home is when i wake up early in the morning and kiss my little brother. his cheeks are so soft since he is a 4 years old kid. and i really like it when i give him the morning kiss. i will only kiss him on the cheek when he is sleeping because he dislikes it when people kiss him. 

skyscraper and price tag

assalamualaikum wbt n peace upon all.  you know what, my holiday will not end up until early January next year and I have plenty of time just to read-books  fool around. Since my dad bought me a guitar, it would be such a waste if I did not play it, right? before exam and after exam, I learned very hard to play it! yes, very hard because it was so not easy (for me). my fingers hurt so much at first. and it was very hard just to get the chord sounds right. after that i found it was very hard to actually change your fingers accordingly and strum ! this was very confusing. I almost give up but I know, that's not the way to learn. then i asked for advice from my dearest housemate who had been playing for about 6 - 7 months now, she said, "soon you'll get the strumming pattern. u just gotta practice, practice and practice!" wow, that sounds easy but it's not.  after trying so hard, i finally be able to actually play a song! my first song ever, it was skyscraper by D...


Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda yang bermaksud "Bukan daripada golongan kami orang yang menampar-nampar pipi, mencarik-carik pakaian dan mengeluarkan kata-kata jahiliyah (apabila mendapat musibah). (riwayat al-Bukhari dan Muslim)  selepas baca majalah gen-Q ternampak hadis ni dan terdetik di hati untuk berkongsi.  buat peringatan diri sendiri dan para pembaca. selamat beramal. 

kenangan lama kembali menyinggah

'ter'buka page dia kat FB tadi.. tak da niat nak stalk pun. nasib baik dia tak approve friend request (alasan dia sebab dah jadi friend kat account FB yg lagi satu), lau tak memang aku geledah dia punya FB. haha bila tengok gambar n nampak muka dia, teringat kenangan lama. segala kata-kata dia, aku tak boleh nak lupa. memang dah melekat kat kepala otak.  nasib baik jugak dia tak dak kat malaysia, jauh dia belajar.. kalau dia balik malaysia sekali pun, mungkin aku tak tau. tapi aku tak rasa dia tak balik buat masa sekarang sebab tahun ni dia dah balik (masa raya). tahun depan pulak la kot. dan sebab tu jugak, aku dah tak heran macam mana aku dress up kalau aku keluar rumah. haha. pedulik apa aku? bukan boleh jumpak dia pon sebab dia tak ada kat mesia (baca Malaysia).  aku ingat lagi dulu, aku pernah tanya dia, 'nak download lagu apa eh? bosan la.' dia pon cakap, 'right round'. aku pun download la dan tiap-tiap ari aku bukak. seriously aku cakap, aku tak berken...

quick update

hey guys, i just read the news and right now, flood is like everywhere around the country. i am grateful that my place does not encounter the nature disaster - flood. Alhamdulillah. at my place, sometimes it rains, sometimes it looks as if it's going to rain but it does not. sometimes it rains at night, sometimes it rains in the evening. my main point is, the rain is not constant. luckily. and for that i am thankful. :)  right now, it is so hot! and it does not have any sign that it will rain. my parents and two of my siblings went for a kenduri (wedding). i refused to follow because i just feel like i want to sit at my home. that's all. i've got free calls to my 8pax numbers but i only called shiron. what a waste.  last night husnul called. my dear, if you read this, i want you to be strong because whatever happens, there must be a reason. she might not see that she's gonna need her daughter but when the man the she loves so much, do something that's gonna hurt h...

thanks dear

i like this post! so much. thank you shahida aziz!

forget everything

tonight, i'm gonna forget everything. the past, let it be in the past. yes, da nekad nih. moga Allah permudahkan. insyaAllah. amiin. pray for me. 


i'm pretty upset with someone. is he ignoring me?

tak jadi balik malam ni. :) :(

tadi masa kuar teman shiron anta makanan kat orang, ayah kol. beliau cakap nak datang ambil malam ni. *barang tak kemas lagi* then, kol la ayah balik, nak confirm kan situasi. kalau beliau nak ambil malam ni, nak kemas-kemas lah barang. tapi tak jadi, sebab ayah cakap dia penat and tak dak sapa nak teman. beliau amik aku esok pagi saja. hehe. dalam hati gembira la jugak sebab malas sangat-sangat nak kemas baju. lagipun, sebenarnya nak lepak dengan sayang dulu.  sayang yang sorang ni lambat balik sebab dia ada keja. since housemate-housemate dia pon suma dah balik, dia pon nak mai tidoq umah aku. :)  tu yang hepi sangat tu. oh ya, jangan salah faham lak. sayang I tu perempuan yer. kenapa panggil dia sayang? mula-mula sebab niat nak mengusik, tapi lama-lama kitorang jadi rapat n dah jadi selesa panggil dia camtu. hehe..  malam ni dapat la lepak ngan dia sebelum bermulanya tahun 2012. insyaAllah. ni dia tanya kitorang nak makan pizza ke tak. *just sebab kitorang cakap u ...

another exceptional day.

hari ni nak duduk kat rumah ja. tak nak keluar pegi mana-mana. oh ya. lupa nak cakap semalam waktu gi Jusco jumpa sorang mamat ni, muka dia cam kevjumba! oh so cute. tapi kevjumba dengan bapa dia lagi kiut la. siapa kevjumba? tak kenal? haish korang ni... dia ni seorang artis kat you-tube. agak famous, tapi tak sefamous my ryan higa of course (nigahiga). hehe.. saling bertukar pandangan sebentar. :P oh, inilah bestnya jadi single sebenarnya. no one will feel jealous and forbid me doing anything like that. teehee anyway, (tetiba speaking lak kan?), hari ni housemate aku nak buat sushi! oh yeah. anda suka sushi? aku no komen lah. *apa ja yang aku tak makan hah? pastu pulak shiron nak buat nasi ayam lagi. yey! woah, makan banyak lah aku hari ni. oke, hari ini mungkin an exceptional day jugak kan where everything is possible. i can sit down and doing nothing, and nobody's gonna tell me i can't. i know, it's awesome. i can also dance like people won't watch, cause i know, m...

today is the exceptional day

hi everyone. today i got so tired. last night i couldn't sleep but still i woke at 5.45 am to prepare breakfast. after that yes, of course, the exam. luckily, what i read came out perfectly but please everyone, don't expect an A from me. teehee  anyway after that, we got home and started to have our lunch (some had instant mee and i ate the unfinished breakfast i made in the morning) anyhow, my friends and i, i mean, practically my housemates and i were eating while watching a horror movie. it was funny though and i laughed out loud so hard and screamed damn hard too. now i'm feeling it in my throat. it's all because of the funny reactions that my housemates made during the movie. btw, he's right about the excitement of watching horror movie- so that we can see other's reactions. haha then after Zohor's prayer, we went to Jusco and were having quite a rocking time. at first, it was the five of us, then becoming the four of us, then becoming the two of us (...

oren oh oren.. :)

orange orange orange~ mesti pelik kan kenapa blog ni dah bertukar jadi warna oren? fyi, i like orange colour too selain dari purple. kenapa mesti oren? kenapa tak warna merah? hijau? biru? or lain-lain warna? my answer: tah la. baru lagi sebenarnya berminat dengan warna oren ni. sejak tingkatan 5 lagi. best la oren? siapa cakap oren tu tak lawa? gojes oke!  tengok dress warna oren ni? gojes kan ?  haha. even kalau wedding pun nak pilih tema warna oren putih or purple putih. boleh tak abang? hehe...  *oh aku mengada gila skang!*  haha. nak cita tu jer~ exam dah habis. tengah tengok cita hantu sebenarnya. sakit tekak menjerit dan ketawa melihat aksi housemate2 yang kelakar giler ! muahahaha..  maaf la naz, tak dapat teman gi klinik nak gi JJ. 

it's funny!

here's a funny story...  okay, last night my housemates and I were crazily reading phonetics and phonology..  of course, there'll be time when people sing (me actually) and sorts and this is not about me, it's about my housemate actually how do i describe her.. okay, she is a person who will go to bed very early, but still not earlier than Shiron (who can beat her?)..  and last night, she had spent quite some time reading and slept late at night  which showed how weird the thing was..  it's okay till today~~ before we even go to the college, i asked her; 'why are u wearing such a short tudung?' (in malay) then she replied, 'lantak la~' n i was like, 'omg, that's kinda harsh.' but still, i knew she didn't mean it. then after the exam, when mira and i were watching a movie (dah habis exam kan), she came out of the room, and i looked at her n 'are you wearing your shirt inside out?'  kekekekekekekekekeke... of cou...

miss u

i miss my friend, my best friend actually, TIKAH !! I MISS U! huhu..  dah lama tak mesej ngan hang. dua2 sibuk.  *eh yaka? tikah, comel tak? hehe. bg aku comey!  *gambaq stadium MU yg dy amek msa dya duk kt UK* jelesh3  *tima kasih sebab kirim gmbaq salji ni kt aku. huhuhu*  *ni bukan yang malaysia punya. yang ni yg kat europe aku pon tak tau kt mna ekceli* *gambar eifel tower yg dia amik masa dia pi PARIS!*  OH neway. miss u la tikah. rajin2 tu mesej la aku.. aku ngah exam skang, so mebi tak sempat mana nak mesej ng, tunggu aku balik rumah dulu yer! dah tak lama~~~ weeee + wish me luck exam!  :)

sabar dan skype. tak dak kaetan !

sabar sabar sabar sabar sabar sabar sabar sabar sabar word untuk aku hari ni~  sabar...  sabar yeeeee....  siyes hari ni rasa cam tak berapa nak betol skit *tanya shiron*  nasib ada pakcik nih dok teman aku kat skype. tapi reply lambat >.< oh ya, untuk mengelakkan segala salah faham syak wasangka, pakcik ni bukanlah pakcik aku yang betul tapi saja ja aku letak nama panggilan dia kat sini pakcik supaya orang tak tau. kenapa aku tak mau bagi orang tau? sebab aku tak mau orang mengata. kesian dia dan awek dia plus kesian kat aku jugak nanti. hehe oh yeah pakcik. tunggu cheq sat na. nak pi smayang. pakcik pon pi la smyang dlu. 

gambar malam gala unit F

sedih la senior F dah nak graduate.  oh yeah. yg tudung hitam tu tak tau la kenapa wat mulut pelik ngt.  yezza.. km mmg cun ! comel tak ? eh, dapat medal ! :P lambat la nak tunggu amek gambar ! dah nak mengamuk..  hehe no comment mira cakap 6 merpati sejoli. oke, prasan semata-mata !  letih posing. 

malam best tapi frust ?

malam gala unit f. best tapi aku end up frust. kenapa? biar lah member aku ja tau kenapa.  mood: frust giler ! argh... 

i don't care ! :)

aku suka buat mulut muncung. ada aku kesah orang cakap apa?  :) 

aku eksiden.

sepatutnya dah ada kat ipoh sekarang. tapi aku still ada kat umah. nak tau apa jadi? ha, baca kisah selanjutnya kat bawah ni. pukul 8, betolak dari rumah dengan sepupu. ayah malas nak antaq pi ipoh sebab alang-alang sepupu nak balik kL, ayah mintak dia hantarkan sekali. so, betolak lah aku dengan sepupu naik keta pesona mak lang aku. semua bejalan lancar ja sampai la............... sampai la keta toyota alza kat depan brek mengejut. sepupu pon tak sempat nak brek. apa lagi, kedebummmmmm.... yerp.. sepupu yang tak sempat nak brek tu pon terlanggarlah keta kat depan tu. teng teng teng....... tu lah sebabnya kenapa aku ada balik kat umah nih. nasib baik, kami dua tak dak apa-apa. keta mak lang aku agak teruk tapi keta alza tu tak da apa sangat. tak teruk pon. so, dah tak mau menyesakkan lalu lintas dengan keta yang sememangnya banyak kat highway tu, kami pon dok la kat tepi jalan. sepupu aku tak bagi aku keluaq dari keta. protective giler. sepupu suruh kol ayah. aku kol, tapi ayah...

seriously no offence ! :)

certain part, i agree with him. anyway, people are different. some might disagree and some would agree.  even my friend of mine couldn't stand the 'lagu jiwang' of the old version. you know what i mean, alleycats, search n so much more.  for me, it's 50-50. i listen to them because people around me kept playing the songs, and some songs really do have a beautiful lyrics. well, i prefer the old songs rather than nowadays because just like matluthfi said, i couldn't understand the metaphors and the lyrics. kadang-kadang memang tak dak kaitan dengan langsung !  

i'll back off so you can live better

i just fell in love with this song. she has a wonderful voice plus the song is beautiful too.  p/s: this song got nothing to do with me..  TRANSLATION I’ll back off so you can live Say it directly, looking at me Say it looking into my eyes Did you just say you wanted to break up? Did you want to end it with me? (I Know) You probably got a lady (I Know) You probably got sick of me Even though the tears are rushing to me I’ll back off so you can live That is all I can say I’ll forget you so you can live better So that you’ll be happy without me The love that you tossed away, you can take it Don’t even leave a trace behind and take it all Don’t even say you’re sorry Don’t worry about me Your lips that told me tha you were going to leave Why does it give me a reason to be angry today? I need to stop you, the words don’t go out And you are already moving far apart (I know) You will forget me (I know) I will really hate you Even though you know everything You! ...

you're my only shorty

this song is so sweet !  "You're My Only Shorty" (feat. Iyaz) Last night was crazy and today it's setting in Did you really mean it and could you say it again? Oh-oh, even if you just say it over the phone Come on, ring, ring, ring Love makes me crazy, restless, dumb and paranoid But I'll take a chance on us and hope you don't destroy my heart Just give me one guarantee, I'm the only girl you see What you say, boy You're my only shorty, you're my only shorty I'm telling you the truth, girl, it's only you You're my only, you're my only, you're my only one and only You're my only shorty, am I your only shorty? You're my only shorty, am I your only shorty? I'm telling you the truth, oh, girl, it's only you, whoa You're my only, you're my only, you're my only, you're my only shorty Am I your only shorty? Every day and night you got an open invitation, whoa As long as I'm y...

the couple i like

the sweetest couple. i like these two. :) their awkwardness is so adorable. junjin si young.  perhaps i adore junjin coz he's in shinhwa group and perhaps i think he's cute too.  and si young, the coldness that she shows is so cool. + she's adorable. 

so true !

taken from the Best Quotes

the word hate is cruel. don't you think so?

if you could categorize people in your life, not in term of their physical appearance but how do you feel about them, how many people will be on your love list and perhaps, if you do have, the hate-list. last night i was having a deep thought about it and i was trying to figure out who are the people that i hate? and this is what i've found about the definition of hate - the feeling of intense or passionate dislike for someone.  i'm not the type of girl who would say that i hate that person for no reason. if possible i wouldn't want to say that i hate certain people. i feel like the word hate for someone is really cruel and negative. some people might not feel or do the same thing as i did. just because i cannot accept they being different from me does not mean i should hate them. am i right? correct me if i'm wrong.  so, where should i put the people who i really don't want to meet anymore in my life? does that mean i'm hating them? if you say yes, then i mig...

akhirnya !

haha.. after all of the sickening themes i got from the internet, i finally downloaded the theme designer myself. it's for my samsung corby phone. felt quite satisfied after my first trial. hehehe... :) 

don't be good to me - jong kook oppa

hujan lebat ngat skang... best layan lagu 'don't be good to me' by kim jong kook. haha.. jiwang2... stop sat baca buku ! :) 

trendy? naah... it's brainy ! :)

someone just posted on her FB talking about how she's so sick with people around her kept uttering the 'aigoo' word (korean for sighing if i'm not mistaken)  most of the time. well, i am quite offended with her words since me and my friends kept speaking in korean even it is a simple line like, 'i'm hungry' - baegohpa, hi - anneyong, 'r u crazy?' - michoseo? and many more simple lines. well, you can't blame those who want to speak in korea, not because of it's the trend nowadays (really? who said so?). the reason for me to speak in korean because i really want to learn this language since i already have the ability to read in korean. surprised? don't be. i have learnt this ever since i was 15 years old. i can remember each character of the korean language. (i am not bragging but just telling)  learning a new language is really good for your brain. (that's what i'm doing right now) it will give a lot of benefits to you. if you are...

it's nothing, really...

things always occur unexpectedly and sometimes they just happen the way we planned. what do you expect? it's LIFE we are talking about. thus in everything we do, we must always have back up plans. think wisely before you act. if you're not, you will be regretting things that happened to you.  last night was a very heavy burden to me. i felt nothing at first but i am feeling it right now. perhaps i am going through hormonal changes right now (maybe). when i think back about what happened last night, i'll be letting a huge sigh. a heavy one. but, i know that there's not nothing i can't do, there is something i can do about it.  i'll just say people come and stop by in your life, some stay permanently and some don't.. while i have everyone that i love around me, i'll appreciate them so much.  to shiron, please take note that i will always love you and as i said previously, i want to be there for you through the happiest time of your life and through the ...

and i'm guilty

because of my foolishness, i shut this person down. but now i realize how matter i was to this person but now, this person thinks that i don't matter anymore. realizing this has made me sad. it's not this person's fault if this person wants to ignore me and throw me away. and for that, i'll be guilty for the rest of my life.  can't really use the pronoun because to name this person with he or she will really give a huge difference and interpretation. 

mistake - demi lovato

awesome song !  p/s: there's nothing broken inside of me. :) 

tiada tajuk yer...

assalamualaikum wbt n peace upon all. well only now i have the chance to update my blog. my dad didn't tell me about the internet-wire-can-be-used right till this night. luckily. i wish he tells me later because i am super-allergic to the internet. can't get myself off from it. too bad ain't it? teehee  anyway, since i'm here at home i was thinking for quite some time, should i take this break for one week or two weeks? well, i really have no idea. but i think i want to spend more time and my study time at home.  i just got back because i went out for a while to the mall with my dad, just the two of us.. my dad is super-cool! the purpose of going to the mall was to buy me a guitar and he ended up buying a filter for home! now my dad is already thinking about buying another filter that'll cost him rm1000++. >.<'' up to you lah dad, i have no objection. it's your money after all. haha..  btw, i'll be busy after this and might not be able to ...

sedih. maaf syg.

aku tau, kau nak sangat-sangat aku ikut skali kan? tapi maaf sangat-sangat. aku tak dapat nak ikut. sorry sayang. sangat-sangat. sedih lah. sob3.. 

menipu? munasabah la sikit weh. kau dah besar.

"ala, cover la kat aku jap. cakap aku sakit ke, aku ada hal ke.. jangan la letak kosong kat kehadiran aku. aku malas lah nak pergi kelas, pensyarah tu suka bising-bising dengan aku."  pernah dengar tak ayat ni? ini adalah ayat statement di mana orang tu suruh orang lain MENIPU bagi pihak mereka atas sebab diorang nak bersenang-lenang.  tapi bagi aku lah kan, lau nak suruh aku menipu untuk orang-orang camni, aku nak jawab camni kat orang tu, "boleh kalau nak suruh aku menipu untuk kau, tapi nanti bila ALLAH tanya aku nanti, aku nak bagi dosa menipu tu kat kau, kau lah tolong tanggung dosa menipu aku tu, boleh kan?"  yer, memang orang menipu ni boleh terlepas kat dunia, tapi dengan Allah, sorry lah kalau kau nak menipu, engat boleh lepas ke? Allah Maha Mengetahui segalanya. engat tu.  tak susah pun nak bersikap jujur kan? kalau rasa nak menipu sekali pun, pikirlah orang lain sama. janganlah sampai menyusahkan orang lain. kalau tak menyusahkan orang lain tak apa. ...


hi everyone.. the time is 2.42 AM in the morning and i have not yet sleeping. why ? this is all because i have stupidly, recklessly spending my weekend doing almost nothing when i am supposed to do something. i have to submit learning portfolio by today but all my friends refused to do anything about it. but since i already planned to wake up and do the work, i guess i am not going to sleep dearly soon. instead of doing my homework, i call my brother and we talked. it's nice to hear from him again because lately i was too busy to even call my mom. i am truly sorry. but i did call my dad. my mom is always busy by the way. it is so hard to call her especially when she is at home. why? because the youngest man (boy) in the house will keep disturbing her from talking on the phone and whenever he got on the phone with me, he won't give up the phone. i miss him after all. my youngest brother, yang comel-comel tuh. eii nak cubit pipi dia bila balik nanti. tunggu la ari jumaat ni..  o...

oh tennis

okeh, kenal tak ni apa ? raket la kan. raket tennis. ni adalah sukan yang aku minat lately. sebenarnya dah lama minat tapi baru sekarang ada peluang nak main n belajar. oh yeah. aku masih lagi belajar lam main tennis. boleh kata tiap-tiap petang aku turun maktab untuk main benda alah ni. sekarang bahu aku agak sakit sebab selalu sambut volley ball mira yang memang power tuh. nasib baik partner ngan syuk tadi. tak dak la sambut bola laju syuk. betambah-tambah sakit la bahu nanti.  semalam balik rumah dalam pukul 2 pagi (lebih sikit la) sebab siapkan booth untuk pameran pagi tadi.  dalam boleh nak tido tu ada gak la lam pukul 3.30 pagi. tapi nasib baik berjaya bangun seawal 6.10 pagi. tido kejap je kan. pastu masa pameran bejalan tersangatlah banyak sampai sakit kaki.  balik-balik rumah, pas makan nasi sambil tengok cita plus semayang zohor, terus baring sebelah shidah dan melelapkan diri. shiron tido lagi awal ! kemudian, tah number sapa tah kol, mengacau ja orang nak t...

jutaan apresiasi

alhamdulillah.. pameran hari ni memang berjalan dengan lancar walaupun malam sebelumnya memang menghadapi konflik yang mencabar sangat-sangat. dengan letih, mengantuk, semua rasa pun dah timbul tapi masing-masing rasa seronok sebab dapat berada and bagi sumbangan kat kawan-kawan. biarpun tanpa kudrat dari lelaki yang mana kelas-kelas lain dapat, tapi kelas kitorang berjaya jugak menghabiskan pameran ni. alhamdulillah sangat-sangat. syukur kepada Allah kerana memberikan kudrat serta kekuatan untuk mengharungi hari yang mencabar pada semalam dan hari ni. kepada yang terlibat, jutaan terima kasih diucapkan. 

kawankah ?

assalamualaikum wbt n peace upon all.. hi everyone. i am thinking, what is the definition of 'friendship'? and what makes a person our friend? i really don't have the exact answer for this but there are certain people that i only want to recognize them as my classmate. nothing more than that. why? i received enough lies, broken promises from these people. whatever they say can never really comfort me or gives security to me. that's what i thought. maybe i should trust them. but being lied for more than a lie will absolutely make me not to trust them anymore. i am really sorry for saying this. but to gain my trust, you have to earn it. i won't say it will be easy. you can do it if you want or you can choose to not do anything and i will always have doubts in you. with no regrets i'm saying this.  i know that it is a stupid mistake to actually count on them. to seek their help when i know myself that they will not turn up and do the favour. i am advising myself...