it's funny!

here's a funny story... 

okay, last night my housemates and I were crazily reading phonetics and phonology.. 

of course, there'll be time when people sing (me actually) and sorts

and this is not about me, it's about my housemate actually

how do i describe her..


she is a person who will go to bed very early, but still not earlier than Shiron (who can beat her?).. 

and last night, she had spent quite some time reading and slept late at night 

which showed how weird the thing was.. 

it's okay till today~~

before we even go to the college, i asked her;

'why are u wearing such a short tudung?'
(in malay)

then she replied,

'lantak la~'

n i was like, 'omg, that's kinda harsh.' but still, i knew she didn't mean it.

then after the exam, when mira and i were watching a movie (dah habis exam kan),

she came out of the room, and i looked at her


'are you wearing your shirt inside out?' 


of course, we burst out laughing

it was so funny of her.. hehe

 moral of the story:

next time around, don't do the unusual thing okay~ teehee


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