today is the exceptional day

hi everyone. today i got so tired. last night i couldn't sleep but still i woke at 5.45 am to prepare breakfast. after that yes, of course, the exam. luckily, what i read came out perfectly but please everyone, don't expect an A from me. teehee 

anyway after that, we got home and started to have our lunch (some had instant mee and i ate the unfinished breakfast i made in the morning) anyhow, my friends and i, i mean, practically my housemates and i were eating while watching a horror movie. it was funny though and i laughed out loud so hard and screamed damn hard too. now i'm feeling it in my throat. it's all because of the funny reactions that my housemates made during the movie. btw, he's right about the excitement of watching horror movie- so that we can see other's reactions. haha

then after Zohor's prayer, we went to Jusco and were having quite a rocking time. at first, it was the five of us, then becoming the four of us, then becoming the two of us (mira and me). after having a rocking time at K****, we walked around jusco. of course, i bought a capo for my guitar! weee, so happy.
it was an enjoyable moment. but there were also parts in today's events that really made me sad and pissed off. i had no intention to tell or even to think about it. mira is already in her angry mood, so sorry i can't help. :) 

for the remaining two days, i am gonna make my fingers suffer! how? by spending my time with my guitar of course. i hope Master G (shidah) can teach me. u promised remember, to teach me when i have my own guitar. 


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