quick update

hey guys, i just read the news and right now, flood is like everywhere around the country. i am grateful that my place does not encounter the nature disaster - flood. Alhamdulillah. at my place, sometimes it rains, sometimes it looks as if it's going to rain but it does not. sometimes it rains at night, sometimes it rains in the evening. my main point is, the rain is not constant. luckily. and for that i am thankful. :) 

right now, it is so hot! and it does not have any sign that it will rain. my parents and two of my siblings went for a kenduri (wedding). i refused to follow because i just feel like i want to sit at my home. that's all. i've got free calls to my 8pax numbers but i only called shiron. what a waste. 

last night husnul called. my dear, if you read this, i want you to be strong because whatever happens, there must be a reason. she might not see that she's gonna need her daughter but when the man the she loves so much, do something that's gonna hurt her (let's pray he's not), then she will realize. but i want you to know, you've always got our back. you know that right? you know my number, and just give me a call. i'll always answer. 

tetiba sedih lak. haha. anyway, dah habis baca buku hlovate. ada pros and cons lam buku tu yang nak aku compare but still, aku tak buat lagi comparison tu. cuma ada dalam kepala otak ja. tak bertulis lagi. hurm.... 

my stomach is growling, i have to go, i want to eat! my lunch.. :) 



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