S-Line vs 6-pad

hi everyone !

today's topic will be S-Line versus 6 pack.. 

every men must have wanted a girl with S-Line body, am i right ? 36-24-36~~ isn't it nice? but when a man requested his not so S-Line body girlfriend to do exercise and to have that kind of perfect body, why can't the girl requested the boyfriend to have 6 pack too ??? 

to the men out there, stop judging girls through their body okay.. if u made up ur mind to find a girlfriend with the perfect body (S-line), then yours must be perfect too! come with 6 pack and 8 pack on your body, then only you can plan to get any girl with S-line body.

alright boyfriends out there? don't ever say your girlfriend is too fat just because you don't really like the way they look.

wanting a girlfriend with S-line body, but you yourself is not a 6 pack man.. come on~~ 

girls, it's okay to go through a process to get the perfect body, but just don't do stupid exercise and diet okay.  

have a wonderful day everyone. :)


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